Category: Reflections - Pastoral Witness
247 results found.
Неділя Торжества Православ'я - 03/06/2025

Дорогі у Христі, з Божою допомогою ми прожили перший тиждень святого Великого посту. Весь Православний світ святкує Неділю Торжества Православ’я, яка одночасно являється першою неділею Великого Посту. Сьогодні Христова Церква святкує перемогу над іконоборством, тобто внесення святих ікон до Константинопольських церков було в першу неділю Великого посту.

The Triumph of Orthodoxy – Why Icons? - 03/06/2025

Every year on the first Sunday of Great Lent we celebrate the Triumph of Orthodoxy in commemoration of the day in 843 C.E. (or AD for those non-academic theologians) on which the Edict of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787 C.E.) which restored icons within the Church was brought into full force in the city of Constantinople through the actions of a local council of Bishops at the Hagia Sophia.

Сиропусна неділя - 02/26/2025

Свята Церква дає повчання Господа Ісуса Христа, яке може налаштувати нас на правильне проведення Великого посту: таке, при якому піст принесе нам користь і допоможе повернути даровану в Таїнстві Хрещення благодать, яку ми необдумано втратили, подібно до того як позбулися райського проживання наші прабатьки.

Adam’s Lament - Our Lament - 02/26/2025

Today, the last Sunday before Great Lent begins, the Church focuses on 2 separate, yet related, themes, the first of which is the commemoration of the casting out, or expulsion, of Adam and Eve from Paradise. As we heard in one of the hymns of Great Vespers last night, “Adam sat before Paradise, and, lamenting his nakedness, he wept: Woe is me! By evil deceit was I persuaded and led astray, and now I am in exile from glory....”


Продовжуючи готувати нас до Великого посту Св.Церква, як любляча мати,намагається нам допомогти підготуватися до цього важливого духовного періоду. Минулої неділі на богослужінні ми згадували про дві євангельські постаті, одна з яких у пихатості серця вихвалялася перед Богом своїми чеснотами - фарисей, а друга - митар, усвідомивши свій духовний стан, стояла здалеку і оплакувала прожите у беззаконні життя.

THE PRODICAL SON - 02/15/2025

In today's Gospel lesson we heard the parable about the young son who got tired of his father's surveillance and asked for his portion of the inheritance. After receiving it, he went away into another country where he lived prodigally and spent all his riches. Soon there was famine and the young son did not have anything to eat. He came to his senses and decided to return to his father and ask for forgiveness. The father sees him coming from afar, clothed in rags and weak, is filled with compassion and runs out to meet him, falls on his neck and kisses him. As St. John Chrysostom reminds us......

On the Baptism of Christ - 01/19/2025

Christ, then, was born as it were a few days ago — He Whose generation was before all things, sensible and intellectual. Today He is baptized by John that He might cleanse him who was defiled, that He might bring the Spirit from above, and exalt man to heaven, that he who had fallen might be raised up and he who had cast him down might be put to shame. And marvel not if God showed so great earnestness in our cause: for it was with care on the part of him who did us wrong that the plot was laid against us; it is with forethought on the part of our Maker that we are saved. And he, that evil charmer, framing his new device of sin against our race, drew along his serpent train, a disguise worthy of his own intent, entering in his impurity into what was like himself—dwelling, earthly and mundane as he was in will, in that creeping thing. But Christ, the repairer of his evil-doing, assumes manhood in its fullness, and saves man, and becomes the type and figure of us all, to sanctify the first-fruits of every action, and leave to His servants no doubt in their zeal for the tradition.

Іван Хреститель - Голос Вопіющого в Пустині - 01/19/2025

Сьогодні наша свята Церква прославляє великого праведника-чесного, славного пророка, Предтечу і Хрестителя Господнього Івана, який був великим угодником Божим. Ще перед його народженням з’явився Архангел Гавриїл його батькові Захарії в єрусалимському храмі і сказав , що в нього народиться син, який буде великий в очах Божих. I справді вже при народженні Іванa Хрестителя Господнього діялись чудеса, так що його знайомі і сусіди з великим подивом питали: "Ким буде дитя це?" На це питання дає відповідь сам Господь, коли устами пророка говорить, що Іван є "голос вопіющого в пyстині".

Understanding the Nativity Icon - 12/28/2024

Orthodox Christians do not celebrate the birth of baby Jesus, we celebrate the Incarnation. What?, you say. What is the Incarnation? This is an important word as it means God becomes Man. This is what we celebrate. The birth of Jesus was that moment in history when God sent His only begotten Son to become like us, taking on human flesh for our healing. This miracle of miracles took place though the ascent of Mary whom we call the Theotokos, Birth-giver of God. God with His divine will became man, taking on a human will in human flesh so Man could unite his human will with God’s divine will. From the time of Adam and Eve, man was separated from God ,unable to follow God’s law. The Incarnation is the beginning of the transformation of mankind so we can be reunited with God.

Наближається Різдво... - 12/20/2024

Різдво Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, або як ми ще називаємо – Різдвяні свята – знову наближається! Знову настала ця пора року, а з нею і радісні хвилини. Але насправді, що таке є Різдво? Чи це подарунки під ялинкою, різдвяні світла у вікнах, привітальні листівки, вечері з родиною та друзями, сніг на подвір’ї, чи привітання “Веселих свят” тих, хто на вулиці проходить повз нас? Для багатьох людей Різдвяний Піст є часом смутку, тому що вони не мають необхідних коштів для того, щоб купити подарунки для своїх дітей, родичів та друзів. Багато з людей сумують у Різдвяний час коли вони згадують про своїх близьких, які не можуть приїхати додому та святкувати разом з ними. Вечеря на День Подяки для декого на жаль залишається тільки мрією, а не реальністю.

The Healing of the Ten Lepers - 12/20/2024

For behold, ten lepers met Jesus as He was about to enter a certain city. They met Him outside the city, for those who were considered unclean were not permitted to go into the city. They stood afar off, as if ashamed of their supposed uncleanness, and did not dare to draw near, thinking that Jesus abhorred them as did the others. They lifted up their voices and made supplication. By physical location they were standing afar off, but in their supplication they were near. For the Lord is nigh unto all that call upon Him in truth (Ps. 144:19). And they did not make supplication to Him as to a mere man, but as to One greater than a man. For they called Him Master, meaning Lord, Protector, and Guardian, which is not far from thinking of Him as God.

What shall I do that I may have eternal life? - 12/13/2024

This is the question that the rich man asked of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ in today’s Gospel lesson. Indeed this is the fundamental question every Christian must ask; for it is the question that shapes our beliefs, relationships, view of the world, our understanding of morality and ultimately our whole way of life. The answer given by the Lord is twofold. First and foremost, Christ emphasizes the importance of keeping the Ten Commandments. In fact, He even goes as far as to go through the commandments, thereby asking the young man - and - us to take inventory of our lives. Are we, Christians living in the 21st century, following the commandments which have sustained the people of God for thousands of years? Does the society we live in abide by these basic principles? Do we as God’s “chosen people”, His “Royal Priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9) help uphold the Commandments, speaking out against the wrongs that we see in the world?

Що потрібно зробити, щоб мати життя вічне? - 12/13/2024

Такими словами в своїй нагірній проповіді говорить Христос. Той що підійшов до Ісуса, називає Його благим, запитує: “Що потрібно зробити щоб мати життя вічне”. Знаючи людей він показує смирення кажучи. “Чому ти називаєш Мене благим.Ніхто не благий, як тільки один Бог.” Ісус Христос знає хто ми, які думки маємо і скільки віддані Йому. Але Господь хоче показати нам до чого ми прив'язані і що нас тримає. Ісус говорить про заповіді, які має виконати юнак, щоб мати життя вічне. І не тільки йому, але і нас закликає до життя вічного. “Не вбивай, не перелюбствуй, не кради, не лжесвідчи, шануй батька й матір, і люби ближнього твого як самого себе. Юнак говорить, що він все це зберіг з юності.” Що ще не вистачає. “Ісус сказав йому: коли хочеш бути досконалим піди продай добро твоє і роздай убогим і матимеш скарб на небесах, і приходь та йди слідом за Мною.”

Введення Пресвятої Діви Марії у храм - 11/30/2024

Коли Діві Марії виповнилося три роки, Її благочестиві батьки приготувалися виконати свою обітницю. Вони скликали родичів, запросили ровесниць своєї дочки, одягнули Її якнайкраще і в супроводі народу, співаючи релігійних пісень, повели Її в храм Єрусалимський для посвячення Богові. Її подружки-ровесниці, як і Сама Марія, йшли із запаленими свічками у руках. Назустріч їм з піснями повиходили з храму священики на чолі з первосвящеником.

Entrance of the Most-Holy Birth-Giver-of-God into the Temple - 11/30/2024

On this day of the feast of the Entrance of the Most-Holy Birthgiver-of-God into the Temple, let’s review the details of this commemoration: Firstly, this feast is not present in the sacred scriptures, but has been preserved and revered by the Holy Church in the liturgy, iconography, and Holy Tradition. Secondly, the entire story is contained in an apocryphal book known as the Proto-Gospel of James, a book which contains this and many other stories about Christ and other biblical characters and saints, yet was never accepted in its totality as an inspired text by the Orthodox Church.

Проповідь на 22-гу неділю по П'ятидесятниці - 11/20/2024

Дорогі у Христі, як часто ми задаємо самі собі запитання, що мені зробити, щоб унаслідувати Царство Боже? Це є цікаве і важливе запитання, поскільки кожному із нас необхідно знати, що нам робити, щоб спастись.

В євангельському читані від св. ап. Луки (10, 25-37), наш Спаситель ставить питання про наше відношення до всіх, хто нас оточує. Він закликає нас, що ради спасіння ми подивилися навколо себе і задумуючись, зробили щось ДОБРЕ, яке буде нас спрямовувати до вічного життя. В Євангелії говориться про те, як одного разу до Христа приступив один законник, який жив праведно, виконуючи всі приписи закону, задав запитання Ісусу Христу, бажаючи зловити Господа на слові. « Учителю, що мені чинити, щоб життя вічне осягнути?» (Лк.10:25)

The Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and All the Bodiless Powers of Heaven - 11/15/2024

We live in a society whose basic premise is that reality is only that which can be seen, touched and quantifiably measured. Since we have exalted our human intellect to supremacy, even as people of Faith we are sometimes too quick to discount things which our own reasoning cannot fathom.

Хвальба - 11/08/2024

"Вернись до дому свого і розкажи, що вчинив тобі Бог." - Так сказав Ісус Христос до оздоровленого біснуватого, який просив Спасителя супроводжувати Його. Син Божий не хоче назвати це оздоровлення Своїм. Добро, що учинив Він цій нещасній людині, не називає Він Своїм, а називає, що те добро створила сила Божа: "… розкажи, що вчинив тобі Бог."

Христос Спаситель, тут на землі, хотів бути зразком для людей. Син Божий в образі смиренного Сина чоловічого хотів дати нам приклад, як ми повинні чинити добро.

Healing the Gerasene Demoniac - 11/08/2024

I love to ask the question, “Do you believe it is possible to love pigs more than Jesus Christ?” The answer is, of course not. Why do you ask such a foolish question?  Well, I often wonder why those people, in today Gospel, would ask Jesus Christ to leave their town just after He cast out a legion of demons into a herd of swine.

Уздоровлення Одержимого Бісами - 10/31/2024

Розповідь євангелиста Луки про чоловіка, який одержимий бісами може показатися нам далекою від нашого повсякденного життя. Проте не випадково, про це зцілення розповідається два рази в церковному колі недільних Євангелій, для того, щоб ще раз нам нагадати про роботу диявола і Господню силу, яка бореться проти всього злого. Апостол Петро застерігає нас, що диявол не спить: “Будьте тверезi, пильнуйте, бо супротивник ваш диявол ходить, рикаючи, наче лев, i шукає, кого б пожерти”. (1Петра 5:8)

The Widow from the City of Nain - 10/19/2024

In order to reestablish the moral principals of the entire creation and to bring it to its original beauty, a supreme sacrifice was indispensable. However, to accomplish that sacrifice no human being was capable to bring it to completion; therefore, God in His love and compassion toward us was willing to become incarnated for that purpose.

Thus, the Gospel reading which is appointed for this Sunday bears the mark of that act, the act of mercy and compassion, for in the Gospel we read, “…And when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow…When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, ‘Do not weep’. Then He came and touched the open bier, and those that carried him stood still. And He said, ‘Young man, I say to you, arise’.” (Lk. 7:11-16)

Будьте ж милосердні - 10/11/2024

Із євангельських повчань ми знаємо, що потрібно служити Богові, а саме виконувати Його волю та заповіді. Також потрібно любити свого ближнього як самого себе, а саме поводитись з ближнім так, як ми б хотіли, щоб з нами так поводились. І ми повинні дбати про самих себе, про фізичне здоров'я та здоров'я душі.

Якщо б хтось надумав описати про ці три вагомі обов'язки: як виконувати волю Божу та заповіді, як дбати про ближнього, та як дбати про свою душу і тіло, то йому б нехватило сили і терпіння про це писати.

Покров Пресвятої Богородиці - 10/05/2024

Вшановує Пресвяту Діву Марію й український народ. З того часу, як наш люд став навколішки перед Ісусом Христом, по всій нашій землі гомонить пісня слави й любові також і на честь Христової Матері Марії. Величаючи її, наш народ благає в неї опіки й заступництва в різних потребах цього земного життя. Ми так сердечно вшановуємо Пресвяту Богородицю, бо це зробив насамперед сам Бог. Ще світу не було, а вже Предвічний Господь вибрав Пресвяту Діву Марію на Матір Спасителя. Створив її чистою, обдарував надзвичайними ласками та підвищивши понад усіх людей і ангелів, щоб Вона була першою після Бога. А що Господь від віків постановив, те в свій час сповнилося. Коли ж Бог так прославив Марію, чи не повинні й люди йти за Його почином і прикладом? Коли Пресвята Марія є для Бога наймилішою дочкою, для Божого сина найдорожчою Матір’ю, а для Святого Духа найкращою Святинею, чи ж не повинні й люди величати Пресвяту Діву та прославляти Її щирим серцем як першу після Бога?

Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch - 10/05/2024

Meditation: Have you ever struggled  because your life wasn't going the way you wanted? Do you feel that way right now?  To many bills?  Not enough money?  Or maybe you are stressed because of your constant striving for more and more of the things of this world, or you are in debt up to your eyeballs trying to pay for and maintain those things you have already acquired. Do you spend most of your time focusing on how you will achieve a bigger home, a new car, stretching yourself out for that new flat screen or surround sound system your friend just purchased?

Nativity of the Holy Birth Giver of God - 09/20/2024

“O Most Holy Birth Giver of God Save Us!” With such powerful words The Holy Orthodox Church concludes almost all of its divine services, making its final appeal to the One, who is the first among the Heavenly choirs of the saints who intercede God on behalf of the human race.

Today, on this eighth day of the Liturgical year as we celebrate her blessed Nativity, let’s pause and contemplate upon the role and the image of the Most Holy Birth Giver of God and Ever-Virgin Mary.

Виноградарі - 09/20/2024

Господар посилає слуг своїх за винагородою коли прийшов час збирати податок. На що отримав у відповідь побиття своїх слуг, а декого з них було вбито. Тоді Господар цей посилає інших, та з ними вчинили так само навіть гірше. На кінець вирішив послати Сина свого, думаючи що його вони посоромляться. Люди ці думали інакше кажучи, що «це спадкоємець, вб’ємо його і заволодіємо спадщиною» що і зробили.

The Great Commandment - 09/13/2024

Once a lawyer approached Jesus with a question to test Him, saying: “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus told him: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’

Піст - 08/30/2024

“Цей рід виганяється тільки молитвою та постом“ (Мт. 17:21), сказав Ісус батькові після зцілення його сина, коли той пожалівся на учеників Його: “Я приводив його до учеників Твоїх, та вони не змогли зцілити його“ (Мт. 17:16).

Улюблені у Христі, чимало не вірить Ісусовим словам в цьому епізоді Євангелії, мабуть хитають головами та й питають: “Чи людина може удостоїтися в Бога такої сили, щоб це вчинити, коли буде постити, молитися, в церкву ходити, буде прикладом побожності?“ Питання дуже складне. Тут не можна відповісти “так“ або “ні“. Ісус заповів: “Просіть і дасться вам“ (Мт. 7:7); в Бога все є можливим.

Молитвою і постом це можна зробити. Богословська наука голосить, що через піст і молитву доходиться до християнських чеснот, людина збагачується духовно.

Ходження по воді - 08/23/2024

Христос тільки міг ходити по хвилях морських, бо Він є Владикою сотвореного світу.Але Ап. Петро ходив по воді також, а він є людина. Сьогоднішнє Євангеліє про це докладно оповідає нам. Коли Христос молився, апостоли були в човні і цілу ніч боролися з хвилями та вітром, який кидав їхній човен то в один, то в другий бік. Христос, одначе, не забув про них. Вранці Ісус прямував до них, йдучи по воді, як по сухому. Апостоли злякались, але Христос сказав їм: “Це Я, не бійтесь!” Вони не впізнали Його. Одним з християнських привітань є “Христос посеред нас!” Дійсно, Христос є серед нас, але ми часто проходимо через життєві незгоди, печалі, не зізнаючи Його присутності.

DORMITION FAST: Why a Fast for Dormition? - 08/23/2024

The Birth-Giver of God (Theotokos), the Virgin Mary, was “blessed amongst women,” and she was chosen “to bear the Savior of our souls.” Orthodox Christians consider her to be the Queen of all the saints and angels. Knowing that she is eternally present at the throne of God interceding for mankind, we pray for her love, guidance, and protection. Every year the Orthodox Church sets aside the first fourteen days of August in honor of the Virgin Mary. This fast period is climaxed on August 28th, when the Church gathers to celebrate the Great Feast of the Formation (Falling-Asleep) of the Birth-Giver of God.

Send them away! - 08/17/2024

Send them away! This is what Christ’s disciples said that He should do to the multitudes that had been following Him, in today’s Gospel lesson- send them away. Let someone else feed them, see to their needs. And, on the surface, this seems to be a reasonable request, given their situation, their apparent inability to care for all of them. Send them away! But even if this request was made because the disciples thought it would be in the people’s best interest, it was still, as we learn, the wrong attitude, the wrong response to that situation. Yet, knowing this, what we must ask ourselves, brothers and sisters, is how often do we say this very thing?

Нагодування 5 тисяч - 08/17/2024

Євангельське повчаня, яке читається у восьму неділю по П’ятидесятниці, своїм змістом вражає нас двояко, у двох аспектах. В 13-му вірші 14-го розділу Євангелії від Матвія згадано, що Ісус “відчалив човном у місце пустинне і самотнє. І почувши народ із міст пішов пішки за Ним”. Отже люди так прагнули чути Слово Боже з уст Спасителя, так прагнули отримати благодать Божу від нього на оздоровлення, що шукали за Ним і знайшли Його у місці “пустинному”, де Христос напевно шукав молитовного усамітнення після тяжкої вістки про відрубання голови Іванові Хрестителеві.

We have met the enemy.... - 08/08/2024

In today’s Gospel Reading, we hear of another example of the Pharisee’s malice toward Jesus- their response to His healing of a demon-possessed mute man. “He casts out demons by the ruler of demons!” In other words, they claim that Christ derives His authority over the demons from Satan. And they say this, even in light of the fact that Christ is “preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Now, they obviously can’t find fault with the actions that He is taking, or their results- curing the blind, healing the sick, and the rest, so what is it, exactly, about Jesus that so makes them want to attack Him? Don’t they get it? How can they not see Him for Who He is? How can they possibly be so far off the mark? How can these Pharisees possibly be so…evil?

Про важливість тіла людини - 08/02/2024

Коли ми читаємо євангельські уривки про те, як Христос воскресив мертвого або зцілив тіло людини, ми рідко замислюємося про те, що людське тіло означає для Самого Бога, Який створив його з любов'ю для вічного життя, і що воно мало б означати для нас самих. Якщо б наше тіло не було б Богові дороге, так само цінне і ніжно любиме Ним, як і наша вічна душа, Бог не став би зціляти тіло або піклуватися про його вічне життя після воскресіння мертвих.

Holy Fathers of the first six Ecumenical Councils - 07/26/2024

Today our church commemorates the Holy Fathers of the first six Ecumenical Councils, so it would be beneficial to consider why they are considered so important. On the great day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell upon the timid apostles, who then went forth throughout the whole known world preaching the Gospel boldly. Although uneducated, being mostly fishermen, it was the Holy Spirit who overshadowed and prompted them and gave them the eloquence to spread salvation across many lands. St. Paul warned us though that there will be wolves in sheep's clothing, who will pervert and twist Christ's true teaching. In every generation there have arisen both false pastors and people with ears itching for different and novel doctrines.

Is it normal to be a Christian? - 07/19/2024

Is it normal to be a Christian? Is it normal to be a follower of Christ? You are probably got mixed up thoughts about these questions. On one hand, it seems why it should not be normal. But on the other hand, unfortunately for today’s society it is not normal to be a Christian. It is not popular to live by Christian principals.

Св. Князь Володимир і Хрещення Русі-України - 07/19/2024

Християнство в Україні розповсюджувалось поступово. На півдні України були грецькі колонії. Наші предки мали з ними торговельні відносини. Руські люди (а по сьогоднішній термінології — українці), тоді ще погани, були благородної вдачі і толерантно відносились до людей котрі приймали християнство. У нас не було переслідування християн, як це було в Римській імперії, де християн жорстоко катували. Про характер наших предків пише візантійський імператор Маврикій (582-602) “Він описує їх як людей волелюбних, хоробрих, несхильних ані до рабства, ані до підлеглості чужій владі, дуже людяних у їхньому відношенні до полонених та чужинців.”

All Saints of Ukraine - 07/06/2024

One day a Sunday school class was discussing the topics of sainthood and saints. The children were riveted to the teacher’s presentation, as they listened to the wondrous miracles and acts of personal sacrifice which were associated with the saints. As the presentation ended, it was time for the children to ask questions. All but one child asked a question and received their answer from the teacher.

All Saints Sunday - 06/29/2024

Today we gather on this 1st Sunday after Pentecost to honor all of those who have lived righteous lives in following the teachings and commandments of our Lord. On this Sunday of All Saints we commemorate those who having received the grace of the Holy Spirit lived their lives in complete obedience to the command of our Lord to “confess Me before men.”

Всіх Святих угодників Божих - 06/29/2024

У першу неділю після П'ятидесятниці - дня народження Церкви Христової, ми молитовно вшановуємо всіх святих угодників Божих. Ми, члени Церкви земної, віддаємо свою шану та засвідчуємо молитовне єднання з членами небесної Церкви. Слово "святий" походить від грецького слова hagios, що означає "присвячений Богу, святий, священний, благочестивий".

День Святої Тройці. П’ятидесятниця. - 06/22/2024

Після Вознесіння Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, Його учні згідно настанови свого учителя залишилися у Єрусалимі чекати 10 днів, на що, - вони самі не знали. Ці 10 днів Апостоли провели не марнуючи, вони прожили їх у молитві і пості, як воно і належеться перед тим, коли щось важливе повинно статися у нашому житті. І ось цей день настав: Нагло зчинився шум із неба, ніби буря раптова зірвалася, і переповнила ввесь той дім, де сиділи вони. І з’явилися їм язики поділені, немов би огненні, та й на кожному з них по одному осів. Усі ж вони сповнились Духом Святим, і почали говорити іншими мовами, як їм Дух промовляти давав” (Дії 2:2-4).

The Feast of Pentecost - 06/22/2024

The Feast of Pentecost is traditionally considered the birth of what is today known as the Christian Church. The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles assembled in the upper room and their subsequent address to those who had gathered outside begins the international and intercultural spread of Christianity.

Holy Father, keep them in Thy name... - 06/15/2024

“Holy Father, keep them in Thy name which Thou has given Me, in order that they may be one, even as We.” (Jh. 1:12) The Lord is praying to the Father that they, the Apostles, be kept in the name of the Christ Who had become the link, the bridge between God the Father and His creation; in the name of the One that was Sent; in the name of the obedience to the Father; in the name of Love. Jesus Christ was obedient to His father until death, and death on the Cross. That obedience made that name of Jesus the Christ greater than the havens, for everything bows before that ‘Name’ in heave and under the heaven.

Неділя Свв. Отців 1-го Вселенського Собору (325р.) - 06/15/2024

Сьогодні ми згадуємо Перший Вселенський Собор і отців Церкви, які зібралися на цьому Соборі. Чому нам треба згадувати про ці події давно минулих літ? Адже Перший Вселенський Собор відбувся у 325 році, майже 17-ть століть тому. Але він є для нас важливий тому, що цей Собор відстояв у християнському світі головну істину нашої віри, що є осередком нашого спасіння - Божество Господа нашого Ісуса Христа.

Though I was blind, now I see! - 06/07/2024

During His earthly ministry, Jesus met, spoke with, enlightened, and healed a vast number of people, every single day.  As St. John says, if each and every one of His encounters were written down, the world could not contain all of the books that it would require.  So why did the Holy Spirit guide the Evangelists to record those specific events, those encounters, which we find in the Gospels?  What is it about them that make them somehow special?  As most of you probably know, it is because those encounters that are recorded for us are universal.  In 2000 years, while our technology and science are exponentially beyond what it was then, people are still people- as a species, we really haven’t changed.  And those people about whom we read in Scripture, well, they are us - in some way, they represent all of us, both collectively and personally.  And the lessons that their stories impart are just as applicable to us today as they were 2000 years ago.  Today’s Reading, that of the Blindman, is a classic example of this.

Вознесіння Господа нашого Ісуса Христа - 06/07/2024

Господь наш Ісус Христос приготовлював Своїх учеників до розлуки з ним та до продовження ними Його місії на землі. Після Свого Воскресіння із мертвих Ісус являвся вже прославленим тілом ученикам, жонам-мироносицям, апостолам, вірним, споживав з ними їжу та навчав про Царство Боже, творив чудеса (Ів. 21:6).

Про Жінку-Самарянку. - 05/31/2024

У сьогоднішньому Євангелії ми слухаємо цікаву і глибоку розмову між Ісусом Христом і жінкою-самарянкою. Ця розмова відбувається за містом біля криниці. Ісус Христос, як дійсна криниця, яка має у собі джерело живої води, приходить, сідає біля криниці Якова і чекає на спраглу людину. Розмова відбувається якраз опівдні, коли сонце стоїть в зеніті, коли людина почувається спраглою. І ось Христос сам прийшов до спраглої людини і робить перший крок назустріч їй.

No water - no life - 05/31/2024

Several years ago, NASA sent a remote-controlled probe to the planet Mars to search for something of great value – not gold, diamonds, or some unknown extraterrestrial element, but water – plain old water. The reason was simple. Based on all the education and scientific experience of the experts, it was agreed that life, in any form we understand it, could not exist without water. No water, no life.

Неділя про розслабленого - 05/24/2024

Сьогодні уже приходить четвертий тиждень після Світлого Христoвoгo Вoскресiння, якoгo всi християни чекали з великим нетерпiнням, в якoму кoжний iз нас вiдчуває велику радiсть i має надiю на майбуття i життя вiчне. Ми вдячнi Всевишньoму Бoгу за Йoгo благoслoвiння i безмежну любoв дo нас. Гoспoдь, який дає нам життя i все, щo ми прoсимo у нього, вимагає від нас вiдкрити нашi серця у любoвi дo ближньoгo, у пoкаяннi, i дoдержаннi Йoгo запoвiдей.


During the period from Pascha to Pentecost, we can’t help but notice the matching of stories between the Gospel and the life of the early Church. This is especially true when we compare Luke and Acts, since they are considered two volumes of a set. The Gospel relates the life of Christ in the flesh, while Acts relates the story of the Risen Christ at work in the church. But we also see this matching in John’s Gospel and Acts, the two texts read closely during this period.

Неділя жінок – мироносиць - 05/17/2024

Вони рано-вранці, купивши пахощі, спішать до гробу, в якому спочив Ісус. Мироносиці добре знають, що гріб Ісуса охороняють воїни, що до гробу заборонено наближатися, але вони йдуть, наперекір усьому, з твердою вірою і надією, що здійснять свій намір. Вони йдуть за покликом сердець, в яких живе щира, самовіддана любов до Ісуса, а любов не знає страху, не боїться погроз, перепон — любов усе перемагає, бо де є любов, там є Бог.


In today’s Gospel we hear of three women who were approaching the tomb of their Master, their Teacher and their Friend. Their hearts were heavy and their steps labored. How could this have happened? It was only days before that they were with Him as He taught and preached. No person had ever preached as He did; no one performed the great miracles that He accomplished. Surely He was the One; the Son of God, the Messiah!

Do not be unbelieving, but believing! - 05/08/2024

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Though it hasn't been heard in common parlance lately, many years ago, the term 'Doubting Thomas' was used to describe someone who was of a contrarian, doubting nature. 'I doubt it' was their catchphrase to any claim or statement that, at least to their ears, sounded incredulous.

Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom - Пасхальна проповідь св. Івана Золотоустого - 05/05/2024

Урочистий в'їзд Ісуса до Єрусалиму - 04/28/2024

Місія перебування Христа на землі наближається до кінця. Проголошена Нагірна проповідь, нагодовано тисячі людей, розказано притчі, пояснено Писання. Господь наш Ісус Христос завершує свою земну мандрівку до Єрусалиму – до свого Розп’яття і Воскресіння, двома великими подіями: воскресінням Лазаря та тріумфальним в’їздом до Єрусалиму.

Hosanna in the Highest—or Hypocracy in the Highest? - 04/28/2024

Two millennia ago, the residents of Jerusalem welcomed Christ as the savior of the Jewish people—a worldly ruler who would free them from the yoke of the Roman empire. Their Messiah would be a king in the conventional sense—with royal purple robes, a crown encrusted with precious stones, a scepter to show his earthly position, and a sword to lead his armies into battle and victory over all who would oppress his people.

Lessons for the “Righteous” from St. Mary of Egypt and Abba Zosima - 04/19/2024

Organized religion is often the target of heavy criticism and censure in our modern world. In my own lifetime, I have seen a world where clergy and religious organizations have gone from being acceptable and respected parts of society to being treated on a spectrum that ranges from irrelevant to unspeakable and perhaps even contemptible or evil. For example, if one was to open the internal website of one’s place of employment, one might see the following prohibition on topics which one may not post or blog.

Преподобна Марія Єгипетська - 04/19/2024

Сьогодні ми згадуємо преподобну Марію, через те що вона через молитву і пожертву до Бога вимолила для себе Царство Небесне. Ці бажання і віра оправдали її надії. Хто така праведна Марія Єгипетська, це звичайна жінка того часу, маємо на увазі часи четвертого – п’ятого століття нової ери. Зайшовши одного разу в Храм Божий, вона відчула, що може в своїм житті щось змінити на краще, із Божою поміччю отримати Царство Небесне. Вона відчула, що на даний час вона є загублена і немає ніякої цінності, ні тілесної, ні духовної, ні віри Ісуса Христа. І тоді вона вирішила змінити своє життя і посвятити його для спасіння своєї душі.

Преподобного Іоанна Ліствичника - 04/12/2024

Після Хрестопоклонної Неділі - неділя преподобного Іоанна Ліствичника. Піст досягає вершини. Чи стануть слова покаяння, які ми почуємо в Церкві, нашими власними словами? Сьогоднішнє Євангліє ще раз нагадує нам словами евангелиста Марка про піст та молитву,про віру-щиру та сердечну не лицемірну віру. Хворий отрок одержимий духом німим. Його батько в розпачі. Він зіткнувся з безсиллям учнів. І він не цілком впевнений в силі Учителя. «Якщо що можеш, зглянься і допоможи нам», - говорить він Христу, наполовину вірячи й наполовину сумніваючись.

Fourth Sunday of Great Lent - 04/12/2024

“O Lord, I believe; Help my unbelief.” (Mark 9: 24), prays the man in today’s Gospel who had asked Jesus to heal his son possessed by a demon. The Apostles, too, ask Jesus to help their unbelief “Lord, Increase our faith.” (Luke 17:5) To both Jesus responds that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed (about half the size of a poppy seed) you can accomplish miraculous results with only a word, even moving mountains or pulling a huge tree out by its roots and tossing it into the sea.

Хресту Твоєму поклоняємся, Владико! - 04/04/2024

В третю неділю святого великого посту Церква вшановує святий Хрест, на якому був розп'ятий Господь наш Ісус Христос. Від цього дійства та від євангельського читання цієї неділі походить і назва цієї неділі серед неділь великого посту - неділя Хрестопоклонна. Власне, ця неділя є серединою посту і Святий Животворчий Хрест Господній вшановується в цей час середпістя щоб укріпити нас в нашій великопісній духовній мандрівці, щоб показати нашому духовному зору знаряддя перемоги життя над смертю... Євангельське читання цієї неділі нагадує нам про ще один важливий аспект нашого життя, про необхідність нести свій власний хрест всім тим, хто прагне йти вслід за Господом: "Коли хоче хто йти вслід за Мною, хай зречеться самого себе, і хай візьме свого хреста та й за Мною йде!" (Мр. 8,34)

Друга Неділя Великого Посту - Свт. Григорія Палами - 03/29/2024

Перебуваючи в часі великого посту, ідучи дорогою духовного подвигу, для всіх нас невід'ємною частиною нашого життя є очищення, для того, щоб підготовити себе до великого свята - Воскресіння Господнього. Розуміючи піст - як стримання, достоїнство людини володіти собою, перемагати зло в самому собі, перемагати свої недобрі звички та пристрасті.

St. Gregory Palamas - 03/29/2024

On the second Sunday of Great and Holy Lent, our Holy Orthodox Church commemorates St. Gregory Palamas, the fourteenth century Archbishop of Thessalonica. Palamas in Greek means “clapping”. It’s an honorific name suggesting someone is lauded and honored. This Sunday is often referred to as the “Second Sunday of Orthodoxy”....

Prepare yourselves for spiritual combat - 03/13/2024

Once again, God, in His great mercy, has brought us to the threshold of another Great Lent. Once again, we hear the words “Let us set out with joy upon the season of the Fast, and prepare ourselves for spiritual combat. Let us purify our soul and cleanse our body. As we fast from food, let us abstain also from every passion.” How do we respond?

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee - 02/24/2024

In my opinion this is one of the most wonderful Sundays of the year. The book known as the Triodion is used today for the first time as we approach Great and Holy Lent – the time when we begin to prepare ourselves for the annual season of fasting arid repentance. Hopefully we have grown spiritually during the past year and we have attained a deeper understanding of what a wondrous thing repentance truly is. Repentance is not a dark and gloomy pursuit – the process is joyous, exciting and awe-inspiring as we heal, transform and elevate our minds and souls.

Encounter between our Lord and a woman of Canaan - 02/09/2024

The seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost is the last of consecutive Sunday Gospel readings after Pentecost from St. Matthew. The prescribed Gospel reading for this Sunday is from St. Matthew, chapter 15, verses 21 through 28, where-in we read and hear of an encounter between our Lord and a woman of Canaan. Within this brief Gospel passage, the faith of a Gentile and Jesus’ ultimate gracious response is revealed to us.

«Покайтеся, бо наблизилось Царство Небесне» - 01/21/2024

Після Святого Хрещення Ісус Христос, почав навчати і проповідувати у Галілеї, серед поган. Першими словами Його проповіді були: «Покайтеся, бо наблизилось Царство Небесне» (Мт. 4,17). Ісус звертається до нас. Коли ми в Нього охрестилися, то одягнулися в Нього, «зодягнулися у світло» (Гал. 3, 27), Його світло, разом з Отцем, Який є джерелом світла та Його Духом істини, що світить для нас.

Stand Up Straight! - 12/05/2023

Our life gets bent over by the weight and strain of all the difficulties that we carry. We get bent over emotionally by the pressures of work and the strain of financial problems, by the worries of caring for our families, loved ones, and friends. Every day in our life we face weakness, and we must turn to Jesus for help and strength. He is always waiting for us. Although, sometimes it feels that He is not listening to our prayers, and we don’t get what we want, but God knows what we need and when we need it. We just need to keep praying and trusting God.

Самарянин - 11/21/2023

Безмежна любов Господа Нашого Ісуса Христа до людини, створеної по образу і подобі Божому, виявлена у кожному слові написаному у Святій Євангелії. Тому, що євангельська благовість є невичерпним джерелом милосердя до кожного з нас, хто взиває Ім'я Господнє , і приймає Святу Євангелію за дороговказ єдиний правильний і істинний орієнтир у свому житті.

Two Demon-Possessed Men Healed - 11/11/2023

The reading from the Gospel according to St. Matthew for the 5th Sunday after Pentecost seems very familiar because the same story in the Gospel according to St. Luke is chanted on the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost. It is often referred to as “The Pigs Gospel.” To modern day readers of the New Testament, it seems a rather innocuous episode in the life of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. Why did our Church Fathers consider this episode so important that it was assigned to be chanted on two different Sundays during the liturgical year?

The Rich and Lazarus - 11/03/2023

Today’s Gospel lesson gives us instruction for our current everyday lives, as well as for our eternal life with God. It shows us that appearances can be deceiving. Rich people would often justify themselves by saying that God was rewarding them for their life of good deeds. Thus when some misfortune or evil occurred in other peoples’ lives, it was believed that they must have done something wrong before God, in order to deserve such punishment from Him. Thus the rich were God’s favorites, and everyone else got what they deserved. This understanding of things served well to make leaders and rulers pleased with their lot in life.

Убогий Лазар - 11/03/2023

У притчі про багача і Лазаря Ісус Христос коротко передає тимчасову і вічну долю двох осіб: вбогого Лазаря і безтурботного багача. Як виглядало життя цих двох людей на землі? Багач одягався в одежі з дорогих тканин і «бенкетував щодня розкішно» зі своїми приятелями. Він не думав про Бога, про безсмертну душу, про відповідь на Божому суді, про вічне життя. Він безтурботно насолоджувався благами цього світу.

Зерно — це слово Боже - 10/24/2023

Господь наш Ісус Христос знову зібравши багато людей навколо Себе, повчає їх притчею про сівача, який вийшов щоб посіяти зерно своє. Святі апостоли не зрозумівши Божественного вчення, просять Христа щоб Він пояснив їм її значення. Тоді Ісус пояснив її так. “Ось що означає ця притча: Зерно-це Боже Слово. А котрі край дороги, - це ті. Хто слухає, але потім приходить диявол, і забирає слово з їхнього серця, щоб не ввірували й не спаслися вони. А що на кам'янистому грунті,- це ті, хто тільки почує, то слово приймає з радістю; та кореня не мають вони, вірують дочасно, - і за час випробовання відпадають. А що впало між терен, - це ті, хто слухає слово, але, ходячи, бувають придушені клопотами розкошами, - і плоду вони не дають. А те, що добрій землі, - це оті, хто як слово почує, береже його в щирому й доброму серці, - і плід приносять вони в терпеливості”. (Лк. 8, 11-15).

The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross! - 09/23/2023

On September 27th, the Church celebrates the feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross. Two events connected to the Honorable Cross of our Lord are commemorated this day: first, the finding of the Cross by the Empress Helena in the Holy Land; and second, the return of the Cross from Persia to Jerusalem in the year 628.

"O Lord, save Your people, and bless You inheritance. Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians over their adversaries. And by virtue of Your Cross, preserve Your habitation."

Parable of the Talents - 09/23/2023

Oftentimes, especially during hard economic times, a question is raised by some about inequality of material possessions between people, and whether wealth should be redistributed in some fair fashion. On the other hand, some are wondering whether able but idle people already get more than they deserve. The Parable of the Talents gives us a perspective that helps us to put us on the right side of those issues.

Багато покликаних, але мало вибраних - 09/06/2023

Дорогі у Христі, всі ми покликані до Царства Божого, яке, за словом Спасителя, подібне до весільного бенкету. В Євангельській притчі, яка читається у чотирнадцяту неділю після Святої Тройці, нам слід розуміти, що цар, який зробив весілля своєму синові - це Бог Отець, Творець неба і землі. Царський син - це Єдинородний Його Син Ісус Христос, а наречена - Церква, що об’єднує всіх вірних. Святий апостол Павло говорить : «заручив бо я вас одному чоловікові, щоб Христові привести вас чистою дівою» (2Кор. 11,2). Під весільним бенкетом слід розуміти Царство Боже, в якому всі віруючі назавжди з’єднуються з Ісусом Христом.

The Guests at the Marriage Feast - 09/06/2023

The 14th Sunday after Pentecost
The king gave a marriage feast for his son. This requires no particular explanation; it is normal for a father to give a marriage feast for his son (the modern American custom of the bride’s family giving the wedding reception is relatively recent). But, when the quests were notified to come, they did not. Even today this would be a shocking insult; no polite person accepts a dinner invitation, even for a less formal occasion than a married feast, and then refuses to attend. And no prudent person would insult the king, of all people, so outrageously.

Земне Багатство - 08/26/2023

Сьогоднішнє Євангельське читання має справу з одним з найбільш чутливих, делікатних і в той самий час, з одним з найважливіших питань пов'язаних з духовним життям кожної віручої людини. Це питання - є питанням нашого ставлення до земних багатств. Правильне розуміння та належне відношення до земних багатств має настільки важливе духовне значення, що одна шоста всіх Христових повчань, та третина всіх Його притч пов'язана з цим питанням.

Dormition of the Mother of God - 08/26/2023

I was told the story of an old peasant woman. When she was younger she lost her only son, and only child. He was killed in the Second World War. Her neighbours, remembering she had almost idolized the child, thought that she would be inconsolable, and they were astonished when she adopted another son. They were still more astonished because he was a little black boy. She gave him everything that her son had owned. There was no doubt of her love for him. There could be none for those who saw her face, weather-beaten and lined, marked and sealed with sorrow, and yet shining with quiet happiness.

Безжалісний слуга - 08/17/2023

Сьогодні із Євангелія ми чули притчу про милосердного царя і безжалісного слугу. Цю притчу Христос сказав у відповідь на питання апостола Петра: скільки разів маємо прощати, коли прогрішить брат мій супроти мене? Може до семи разів? Христос йому відповів: Не кажу тобі до семи, але до сімдесяти разів по семи (Матв. 18 21-22).

The Transfiguration of Mankind - 08/17/2023

“After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.” (St. Mark 9.2-4)
When Moses and Elijah were with Jesus during His transfiguration on Mount Tabor, they had, in a very real sense, already been transfigured – Moses on Mount Sinai and Elijah in the fiery chariot. Nor were they alone in the changing of their appearances.

The Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul - 07/07/2023

As for us brethren let us celebrate this great day * and cry out to these two Apostles * "Rejoice, Apostle Peter so closely linked with your Teacher Christ our God * Rejoice O most beloved Paul preacher of the faith and teacher to the universe * O you two holy ones because of your high position and rank * pray to Christ God that He may save our souls" (From the Vespers of the Feast)

Vacation from God? - 06/29/2023

Ah, summertime! Each of us looks forward to the time of year where we get a break from our daily work and school routine.

In the United States, we call it vacation. Other countries call it holiday. Irrelevant of the name, it brings images of leisure time, travel, friends, family, and sometimes adventure.

Whether it is a trip to the shore, a cabin in the mountains, a tent in a park, a luxury hotel, or a cruise on the open seas, we all need a break from our normal routine to recharge our personal batteries. As each of us is different, we all have our own idea of what constitutes the best use of our time away from the office or the classroom.

Зцілення сотникового слуги - 06/29/2023

“Господи, я не вартий, щоб Ти увійшов під мою покрівлю; скажи тільки слово, то й одужає хлопець мій”,- так сказав римський сотник до Ісуса Христа, коли Господь хотів піти оздоровити його слугу. Слова знамениті – повні покори та найглибшої віри. Ці слова говорить сотник римського війська, найкращого, найсильнішого в світі у той час. Сотник цей міг би дуже гордитися своїм становищем і вважати, що це він робить приємність для галилейського Учителя, запрошуючи Його у свій дім. Та він у душі пізнав, що це Божий Посланець, перед Яким кожна людина повинна схилитися з найбільшою покорою та смиренністю.

Шукайте Царства Небесного - 06/22/2023

Епіцентром сьогоднішньої Євангелії є людська проникливість базована на розум. Євангелія починається словами: “Око то світильник для тіла”. Тут не йдеться про наше фізичне око, а про духовне око, яке називається “ноус” (з грецької мови) або мудрість душі. Іоан Дамаскин говорить, що “ноус” не є предмет який існує окремо від душі, тому що є найсвітла/чистіша частина душі. Ця свята мудрість народжує важливий елемент людського існування, а саме відповідальність. Іншими словами відповідальність є результат здорової душі. Що це означає?

Вірою царства вони перемагали - 06/15/2023

Друга неділя після Зелених свят присвячується всім святим, що в землі українській прославилися, всім тим від віку померлим, що своїм життям угодили Богові. Душі їхні перейшли до Царства Небесного і в теперішній час своїми молитвами для нас випрошують Божу ласку.

Кожний народ має своїх видатних заслужених мужів, яким віддає пошану, ставить сучасникам в приклад для наслідування. Кожному українцеві відомі такі імена, як свята княгиня Ольга та Володимир, Ярослав Мудрий, Іван Мазепа чи Тарас Шевченко - це ті світочі церковного і суспільно-політичного життя української держави, які формували нашу самобутність . В тисячолітній історії таких людей було багато.

The Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council - 05/26/2023

Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Gospel teachings is constantly calling all people to salvation and eternal life! This blessedness begins here in our earthly lives through the knowledge of “the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent”, the Savior of the world”.

A fountain of water springing up into everlasting life - 05/13/2023

Today, on the 5th Sunday of Pascha, the Church celebrates the memory of the Samaritan Woman, who, although unnamed in Holy Scripture, is known to the Church as being St. Photini.  And while I usually point out that each Sunday Gospel Reading contains many things for us to learn, I believe that this particular Reading has as much, if not more, than any of the others.  It is so full of information, of theology, of lessons for us, about how God wants us to live.  Consider, this morning, for example, the manner in which St. Photini went from seeing Jesus as simply a stranger, and a Jew, to seeing Him as a prophet, and then recognizing that, indeed, He is the Christ, the Chosen One of God.  And with this new-found knowledge, she rushed back to the people of her village, to say: Come! Listen to One Who has spoken as no-one else has ever spoken, One Who, without hearing a word from my lips has seen into the depth of my heart, into the darkness of my life, has seen and known everything.

The Healing of the Paralytic - 05/06/2023

Today’s Gospel is the usual reading for the ‘Third Sunday After Pascha’. This is the third in a series of six Sundays between the feast days of Pascha and Pentecost, which help to form the fifty-day period between the Resurrection of Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

St. Mary of Egypt - 04/01/2023

“You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized;” Christ admonishes His disciples. When in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays, “let this cup pass from me…” Let me avoid this suffering. His human will is fearful of the pain which He will endure and this is the cup that the disciples will share. All but one of the disciples, all but the beloved Saint John, met their end in the death of martyrdom.

Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці - 04/01/2023

Святе Передання та наші богослужбові тексти розповідають, що Пречиста Діва Марія в трьохрічному віці була віддана на служіння при єрусалимському храмі. Згідно іудейського закону, коли ці дівчата-служниці ставали повнолітніми і вже не мали права постійно находитись та прислуговувати у храмі, то вони могли вийти заміж та влаштовувати своє особисте життя. У випадку з Дівою Марією це питання полагоджували служителі єрусалимського храму, бо рідні батьки Її Йоаким та Анна давно вже померли. Бачачи побожність юної Марії та знаючи про Її прагнення до чистого та цнотливого життя, священики не видали юну Марію заміж в повному сенсі цього слова, але тільки заручили Її з пристарілим восьмидесятилітнім старцем Йосипом. Юна Діва Марія повинна була доглядати та допомагати старцю Йосипу в його старості. Треба теж нам пам'ятати, що в тогочасному суспільстві заручення було тільки першим юридичним кроком до одруження, декларацією наміру одружитися, але не одруженням в повному сенсі цього слова.

The Second Sunday of Great Lent – St. Gregory Palamas - 03/10/2023

The procession of icons during Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers is one of the most memorable events of the entire Liturgical year, as the holy icons we normally gaze upon from afar are brought into our midst reaffirming the proclamation of the 7th Ecumenical Council. Like many of the Church's teachings, there is a significance to the timing of this commemoration and also different levels of understanding: on one hand we have the definitive historical context, but there is also practical reason that can benefit us every day during Lent. Last Sunday we venerated the likeness of the saints who are to be our models over the course of the Great Fast and beyond. Our re-dedication to a spiritual life and a more Godlike existence is made possible by embracing the lessons these saints taught.

Last Judgment - 02/16/2023

In his homily on the Last Judgment, St. Gregory of Nyssa asks “why would God set standards of charity for entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven?” We need to know the answer. Why have conditions at all? Isn’t God’s love for us unconditional? Hasn’t He taught us that forgiveness and mercy are expressions of His will? How can there be a Judgment at all if it really is God’s will that “all men be saved” (1 Timothy 2:4)?

Неділя про Закхея - 01/26/2023

У сьогоднішньому Євангелії ми чули про Ісуса що проходив через Єрихон по дорозі до Єрусалиму. Якщо б ідея цього уривку була застосована у якійсь історії чи поемі то вона б не привернула нашу увагу. Але в Біблії кожне слово має своє значення і зв'язок. Я буду зосереджуватися на сьогоднішньому Євангелії і покажу вам глибше значення цього уривку з Біблії і як воно може служити нам за приклад.

Theophany - 01/18/2023

Theophany is one of the most important feast days in the Orthodox Church along with Easter, Pentecost and Christmas. Theophany commemorates the event of Jesus’ baptism. According to the Gospels, when Jesus came to be baptized heaven opened, the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove and God the Father by His heavenly voice gave witness that Jesus was His beloved Son. Jesus’ baptism signified not only His own divine identity as Son of God but also disclosed the glory of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thus, along with the themes of the sanctification of the waters, purification from sin and renewal, Theophany also celebrates the revelation of God to the world. “Theophany” means divine manifestation – the manifestation of God to the world as Trinity, the three great Lights of Father, Son and Spirit, one in essence and glory.

David the King, Joseph the Betrothed and James, the Brother of the Lord - 01/12/2023

The Birth of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ in the Flesh is celebrated for 8 days, and on the Sunday after the Nativity, the Church celebrates in particular the memory of the Holy Righteous Ones: David the King, Joseph the Betrothed and James, the Brother of the Lord. The Orthodox Church draws our attention on this Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lord, as it does for all important feasts, to the lesser characters who are involved in the meaning of the feast. This happens twice during the eight-day Nativity celebration: The day after the Nativity when we gather to commemorate the Holy Birthgiver-of-God, and on this Sunday following the feast.

The genealogy of Jesus Christ - 01/01/2023

On this, the Sunday before the Nativity, the Church prescribes the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. The second half of the reading is the nativity story. Joseph is betrothed to Mary, but she is found to be with child, and so his marriage to her remains a secret until after the birth. It is the story we all know; the story we have heard every year, all of our lives.

How to understand suffering - 12/08/2022

There are several passages in the New Testament where we hear of the people suffering for an incomprehensibly long period of time - in fact three of them are part of the regular cycle of readings which are taken on Sunday, including the 'Man Born Blind', the 'Woman with the Hemorrhage' (38 years) and today's story of the woman made infirm by a demonic spirit for eighteen years.

What Happens When I See Chronic Suffering?

The Good Samaritan - 11/25/2022

In today's Gospel, Jesus gives us the straightforward direction about how we may attain to eternal life. He sums it up in the quotation "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. The duty towards God is quite clearly set forth, but to be explicitly clear, who then is one's neighbor? The parable of the Good Samaritan is meant to be an eminent explication which no one could misconstrue. The priest and the Levite, who consciously evade any contact with the man who had been mugged and left for dead, were consciously chosen as types, who should have taken a positive action towards the victim.

Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus - 11/04/2022

The rich man descends from luxury to suffering, while Lazarus is promoted from pain to Blessedness. In this life Lazarus lies at the gate. In Greek it suggests Lazarus is “thrown” or “dumped” there affording the rich man to help him but he doesn’t. In today’s Gospel, Lazarus does not blame anyone for his poverty and misery. He certainly doesn’t blame God for his situation. He doesn’t blame the rich man for his mean spirit. Thus, due to his humility he went to heaven, to the bosom of Abraham.

The Parable of the Sower - 10/27/2022

The parable for today is the parable of the sower. In our lifetimes, many, if not most, of us have not actually seen a farmer walking across his plowed field and manually throwing seed in order to plant his next crop. As a result of industrialization, scientific advances and technological improvements, most farming in our time and place, is done by large conglomerates with highly advanced machinery and techniques. Mom and pop farms are disappearing just like mom and pop stores. But the concept is simple enough for most of us to understand and identify with.

Неділя Отців Сьомого Вселенського Собору - 10/22/2022

В жовтні місяці в неділю найближчу до 24 жовтня дорогі брати і сестри, Церква відзначає пам'ять Святих Отців 7-го Вселенського Собору. У різний час протягом року згадуються святі отці інших шести Вселенських Соборів. Церква ухвалила поминати Вселенські Собори в першу чергу заради того, щоб віддати належну честь світлим умам святих отців, які, керовані Духом Святим, так старанно потрудилися для очищення Церкви від злобливих єресей і для відновлення істини церковних догматів. Але це не єдина причина. Нам вкрай важливо не забувати праці Вселенських Соборів ще й тому, що всі єресі, ретельно розглянуті на соборах, хоча і були засуджені святими отцями, але не були зжиті з церковного життя.

Таланти... - 09/29/2022

Притча про таланти була сказана Ісусом Христом в Страсну Середу на Єлеонській горі. Звичайно Христос проповідував людям, але в цьому випадку Він навчав тільки апостолів.
Оливна гора є найвища гора в Юдеї. З цієї гори було прекрасно видно увесь Єрусалим. З вершини гори було видно Червоне море. Оливна гора знаходиться на схід від Єрусалиму на віддаль ходьби суботнього дня. В суботу юдеям можна було пройти не більше як дві тисячі кроків, що приблизно рівняється одній милі. Багато важливих подій у Новому Заповіті відбувалися на горі або внизу гори.

Заповіді Любові - 09/24/2022

Щo oзначає:” Вoзлюби Господа Бога свого всім серцем своїм, і всією душею своєю, і всією своєю думкою”. В цих слoвах вказується нам любити Бoга не тiльки oднiєю частинoю душi, але всiєю свoєю iстoтoю. Всi нашi здiбнoстi, якими oбдарoвує нас Гoспoдь, ми пoвиннi направляти дo Ньoгo, щoб вoни прoсвiтилися любoв’ю дo Бoга. Гoспoдь є наш Твoрець, Вiн дарував для кoжнoгo з нас найбiльше блаженствo – життя, Вiн oбдарoвує нас рiзними здiбнoстями, через якi ми пiзнаємo та вiдчуваємo дивну красoту всiєï вселеннoï. Вiн Крoв’ю Свoгo Сина, цiнoю хресних страждань викупив нашi грiхи, вiдкрив нам Царствo Небесне. Вiн є Справедливий i дає кoжнoму iз нас пo нашим заслугам. Ми, християни, Йoгo дiти, є дoрoгi i любi для Ньoгo, яким Вiн завжди бажає дoбра i душевнoгo спасiння. Як дoбрий Батькo, Гoспoдь наказує нам, щoб ми завжди жили в спoкoï та згoдi, любили oднi oдних i кoли є пoтреба в дoпoмoзi, дoпoмагали oднi oдним. На превеликий жаль, цьoгo не вистачає нам, не тiльки у свiтi, але i у наших рoдинах.

Herod’s Fear - 09/10/2022

Today the Church commemorates the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner- one of very few Feasts in the course of the Liturgical Year upon which we fast (another, of course, being the Elevation of the Holy Cross in September). Now, the person known as Herod about whom we hear in today’s Gospel Reading is actually one of the sons of Herod the Great, the king who murdered 14,000 male babies and young children in and around Palestine at the time of Jesus’ birth. However, as this was all inside the limits of the Roman Empire, any king, or ruler, was appointed by Rome- it was not a hereditary position. So, while his father had been king, this particular Herod was actually a governor, and not royalty, although he was raised as though he were. And, because his father, in his position as king, had accumulated vast wealth, Herod, now a grown man and having inherited a portion of his father’s wealth, could afford to set himself up and live like a prince. He had multiple palaces, many servants, and a small army in his employ.

What Good Thing Must We Do To Get Eternal Life? - 09/01/2022

Within our Ukrainian Orthodox parishes in this country we find so many that have parents, grandparents; or both, who have immigrated to the United States. They came to a land they lovingly called America the beautiful and America the richest nation on earth. They passed down to their children and grandchildren their strong work ethic, that in order to be successful; you must work hard and earn it yourself.

Історичні свідчення про Святкування Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці - 08/25/2022

Урочисте святкування Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці 15(28) серпня встановлено за царювання благочестивого царя Маврикія.

Існує, достойний віри, переказ про те, що патріарх єрусалимський Ювеналій стверджував перед імператором Маркіяном (450-457р) достовірність розповсюджених на той час переказів про чудесне взяття Богоматері на небо. Він навіть прислав до Царгороду погребальні пелени Богородиці, які цариця Пульхерія положила в побудованому нею храмі Богоматері у Влахерні на початку царювання Маркіяна. Це передання про патріарха Ювеналія записане 2-го липня в місяцеслові імператора Василія 10 століття, автор якого, якщо не сам імператор, то житель Царгороду, без сумніву знав на основі достовірних джерел про погребальні пелени у Влахернському храмі.

Reflection on Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos - 08/25/2022

Why the Holy Church gives such unprecedented attention to the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary? But it is not only Dormition church always glorifying her in a way as no other righteous person or saint. Without any doubt it is because she is Mother of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. This is why throughout the life of the Theotokos we are witnessing constant heavenly presence; her earthly life was directed to heavenly life. As a child she went to the temple, heaven on earth, she also was visited by Angel. Her knowledge of God and His Kingdom made it possible for her to accept words of an Angel and act according to God’s will. And as she was carrying in her womb Son of God she herself became part of Heaven and Heavenly Kingdom. And from that time on all her thoughts and all her existence was surrounded only by Heavenly presence. She knew her Son only as she could, and no one else. It was given to her to be Living Altar of the Son of God.

If You Want to Walk on the Water Then Get Out of the Boat - 08/10/2022

In this week’s Gospel lesson we find the Disciples of our Lord trapped in a storm. They find themselves in that storm because they have been commanded by the Lord to cross the Sea of Galilee. These men are following the will of the Lord and yet, we see them struggling against the storm. Have not we found ourselves in that place also? Have not we found ourselves in life’s storms and no matter how hard we try, no matter what we do; it seems that we cannot make it through?

Blessed Equal-to-the-Apostles Olha, princess of Kyiv - 07/23/2022

Moving on to today’s meditation, St Olha is distant from us in time but no less an example of holiness both aspired to and achieved in this life. Her name means “holy,” and presumably she possessed insight, depth, and a sober mind. Olha’s husband Prince Igor was killed in battle in 945, and Olha took over governance with firm hands, instituting many improvements through building and organization across the realm, elevating the culture of her time.

The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul: A Lesson for Healing the Divisions among Us - 07/08/2022

While we may be surprised to see such behavior among Christians, it is nothing new. In fact, Christians have even gone so far as to claim patrons from among the saints – and even Christ Himself - as proponents of their fallen notions. Let me give you an example from today's feast. One of the things that created divisions (and eventual schism) within the Church was an argument over who had the power to decide matters of faith and direction. The Romans, seeking to bolster the centrality and power of their pope, turned Saint Peter into the patron of their cause, reading into his life proof that their position on (Roman) Papal Primacy was the only correct and natural one. When we read such claims, we learn more about Roman Catholic doctrine and its defenders than we do about the actual life and ministry of St. Peter. He was clearly the “first among equals”, but the rock of his confession and the keys to the kingdom were not uniquely his, but the salvific witness and ministry of the Church.

The Ascension of our Lord - 06/01/2022

Brothers and sisters, on Thursday the Holy Orthodox Church celebrated the ascension of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On the 40th day after Pascha our Lord stood on the Mount of Olives as he had done so many times during his earthly ministry.

ST. JOHN OF THE LADDER - 03/29/2022

This is a difficult Sunday for Orthodox Christians. Not as difficult as St. Mary of Egypt, perhaps, but nonetheless a day that convicts us and confronts us with our Lenten practice. Let’s face it: many Orthodox are exceedingly lax in Lenten disciplines. Laziness may be the heart of the problem, and we should not let ourselves off the hook too easily, but it is not the sole reason.


Ось ми знаходимося в середині Великого посту. Кожна людина зазвичай дуже ревно розпочинає піст. Перші два тижні ми наполегливо змагаємося зі своїми пристрастями, але коли проминає час, ми знесилюємося. Дещо про такі людські немочі знає і Церква, тому в цю неділю вона ставить нам за взірець Ісуса Христа, Який був розп'ятий на хресті.

Останній або Страшний Суд - 02/25/2022

Повчання про Страшний або Останній суд було сказано Ісусом Христом декілька днів до розп'яття. Бог створив наших прапредків Адама і Єву і вони жили в раю. “І створив Бог Людину за образом Своїм, за образом Божим створив її; чоловіка і жінку створив їх” (Буття 1, 27). Бог приходив до Адама і Єви і з ними говорив. Бог створив людей для вічного життя. По намові диявола, Адам і Єва з’їли з дерева пізнання добра і зла, що було заборонено Богом. Вони згрішили, тобто порушили заповідь Божу. Адам і Єва пізнали зло і стали смертними людьми. Вони в собі знівечивши подобу Божу і за це були вигнані з раю.

Meeting of The Lord - 02/14/2022

“This Virgin is the Theotokos, Mary, the Most Glorious of God, from Whose womb the Most Divine came forth in the flesh, and by Whom He Himself arranged a wondrous temple for Himself. She conceived without seed and gave birth without corruption, since Her Son was God, though also He was born in the flesh, without mingling and without travail”

Свято Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці - 10/13/2021

Поміж Богородичними cвятами нашого церковного року на особливу увагу заслуговує свято Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці. Культ Божої Матері, як Покровительки нашого народу, тягнеться золотою ниткою від княжих часів аж по сьогодні. Секрет того постійного, улюбленого й ревного культу Богоматері як Покровительки, лежить, мабуть, в тому, що тут ідеться не про земне, людське, але небесне й могутнє заступництво. А такого заступництва й опіки хоче кожна людина, родина й народ. Тому свято Покрова завжди було і є для нашого українського народу днем великого вияву любові і вдячності для Пресвятої Богородиці та днем радісної прослави і звеличення її покрова й заступництва.

Protection of the Mother of God - 10/13/2021

Early one morning, two sisters were getting ready for school, as one sister walked out of her room with one pillow on her back and one pillow on her chest. Her sister asked, “why do you have pillows on you?” “Well,” she said, “the pillow on my chest is to protect from all the boys that will break my heart. And the pillow on my back is to protect me from all the friends that will stab me in the back."

Люби свого ближнього, як самого себе - 10/01/2021

Яка мета Закону Божого? Фарисеї пишалися із знання Закону Божого і присвячували багато часу для виконання всіх його традицій та ритуалів. Вони майже все своє життя проводили вивчаючи 616 заповідей Старого Заповіту, а також численних равинських коментарів. Вони перевірили Ісуса Христа, чи і Він правильно розуміє Закон Божий, так як вони його розуміють.

Але Ісус вразив їх своєю глибокою простотою, майстерністю знання Закону Божого і його ціллю, до цього рівня, що як закінчує Євангелист Матвій: “ніхто не спромігся відповісти Йому ані слова... І ніхто з того дня не наважувався більш питати Його.”

Two Commandments for Our Times - 10/01/2021

The 15th Sunday After Pentecost

Elevation of the Life-Giving Cross - 09/23/2021

Today we celebrate Elevation of the Life Given Cross of Our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Cross, the symbol of our victory, a protection that is always available to us in the struggles for salvation of our souls. The Cross of our Lord on which He manifests His absolute love to humankind thru the suffering that He willingly accepted for the salvation of many.

«Коли ж хочеш увійти в життя вічне,- дотримуйся заповідей» - 09/10/2021

Сьогоднішня свята Євангелія розповідає нам, як одного разу прийшов до Ісуса Христа молодий юнак і поставив Йому важливе питання: «Учителю, – каже він – що доброго маю чинити, щоб мати життя вічне?». А Христос коротко і зрозуміло йому відповів: «Коли ж хочеш увійти в життя вічне, дотримуйся заповідей».

A Merciless Servant - 09/01/2021

In today’s Gospel lesson we heard the parable about the merciful king and a merciless servant. Jesus Christ told this parable when Apostle Peter asked the Savior: “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.” (Mt. 18:21).

Притча про немилосердного боржника - 09/01/2021

Господь наш Ісус Христос проповідуючи в своєму земному перебуванні Євангеліє Царства Божого, навчає народи прикладами простими й зрозумілими для кожної людини. Читаючи сьогодні притчу Христа, в якій Він уподібнює Царство Небесне пану, що захотів розрахуватися з рабами своїми — боржниками, ми приймаємо істину Господню, що є любов до ближнього і що є Царство Небесне.

All Saints Sunday - 06/26/2021

Today we are called to remember all of the saints who followed the example of Christ! They came from all walks of life, they all have had different talents, social positions in life, some were peasants and others may have come from noble backgrounds. They were men and women who were known and many who were unknown, yet they all have one thing in common, they imitated Christ in their lives.

Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine – What is the Purpose for this Sunday? - 06/24/2021

On the second Sunday after Pentecost our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrates the Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine. Sadly, many of our parishes are witnessing a decline in Sunday worship and in membership. Our parishes are doing everything possible just to keep up with the monthly expenses. Is praying for the bills to be paid the main purpose for the Church? There is another purpose for the church – that purpose is to make people holy. A church that does not make it’s people holy is not a church, it is merely an organization which uses the word 'Church'. The Church celebrates the memory of the holy ones, the saints, to show us living examples of people whose souls were saved, so that we can imitate them in our lives. They teach us how to please God. Today is the Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine and we commemorate all of those men, women and children that are famously known to us and those who are known only to God.

Вхід Господній в Єрусалим - 04/23/2021

В Квітну Неділю наша Свята Православна Церква святкує пам’ять дуже важливих хвилин з життя Ісуса Христа, - пам’ять Його торжественного в’їзду в Єрусалим на добровільні страждання. Десь у давній-давнині виголосив пророк Захарія: “Радій вельми, о дочко Сіону! Веселись, о дочко Єрусалиму! Ось Цар твій до тебе їде, справедливий і повний спасіння, покірний, і верхи на ослі їде, на осляті, на молоденькій ослиці.“ (Зах. 9,9)

Humility - 02/19/2021

In the Orthodox tradition, humility has often been called the “mother of all virtues,” and pride has been named “the cause of all sin.” The wise and honest person is the one who is humble.
    Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
    It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor, than to divide the spoils with the proud.
    A man’s pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will retain honor. (Proverbs 16:18, 16:19, 29:23)

Втеча від Ірода — втеча від гріха - 01/08/2021

Сьогодні Євангельська розповідь навчає нас як рано у своєму земному житті Господь наш Ісус Христос почав страждати, щоб принести спасіння усьому роду людському. Можливо ми часом забуваємо що Христос почав страждати ще до того як Він народився. Згадаймо, що не одна родина не відкрила дверей перед Вседівою Марією перед Різдвом ЇЇ сина. Не одна людина не відкрила дверей свого серця Господу.

Genealogy - 01/01/2021

Genealogy is a popular pastime for many Americans today. There are numerous high-profile websites and even TV programs dedicated to helping people learn “who they are”. Many people begin their ancestry search hoping to find wealthy or noble predecessors, naively hoping to find someone who came over on the Mayflower (little danger of that for us Ukrainian Orthodox!) Yet as any experienced genealogist will confirm, it’s not what you want to find, but what you really do find that you must be prepared to accept.

A Banquet - 12/25/2020

Once upon a time, a young man walked into a car dealership to inquire about the purchase of an automobile. The salesmen on duty that day could see that he was young and that he had arrived on his bicycle. They proceeded to explain how good their brand of automobile was, and that one should not aspire to own one of their autos as one’s ‘first purchase’ of a vehicle, but rather that one should ‘work one’s way up’ to their ‘higher class’ model. They laughed as they sent the young man on his way. The young man bought his first car somewhere else, but never reached the point of going back to that first dealership. Years later he read that the ‘higher class’ brand of auto was being discontinued due to poor sales figures.

Fishers of Men - 10/09/2020

Today the Church begins the cycle of Gospel Readings from St. Luke. Now, St. Luke was a Gentile, and not a Jew, and, by profession he was a physician, so it’s not surprising that we see a great number of healing accounts in St. Luke’s Gospel, as well as an emphasis on mission and evangelism, his obvious desire in writing this account of the Gospel being to present it in a way so as to be more effective in the evangelization of the Gentile people- most all of us.

Зцілення дочки жінки хананеянки - 10/01/2020

Сьогоднішня Євангелія - про зцілення. Чим зцілення дочки жінки хананеянки виділяється з-поміж інших зцілень та чудес, які Ісус чинив протягом Його земного буття? Чому саме ця історія потрапила до Святого Письма? Чим вона цінна саме для нас, християн 21 століття?

У той час Ісус залишив Юдею і подорожував у країні Тирській і Сідонській. Очевидно, чутка про дивовижні зцілення уже випередила Ісуса. Жінка, що мала хвору дочку, дізналася про Спасителя, і вирішила просити у Нього допомоги. Вона знала про що вона буде говорити з Ісусом. Найбільшою проблемою її життя було здоров'я її дитини. Не вагаючись, вона підійшла до Господа і розповіла Йому про своє горе. Ісус мовчав. Але жінка наполягала, вона прийшла сюди, щоб отримати найнеобхідніше, і не хотіла залишитися з нічим.

Just Enough Crumbs - 10/01/2020

On the 17th Sunday after Pentecost we read in the Gospel of St. Matthew about a Canaanite woman whose daughter is possessed by a demon. No one else has been able to help her, so she comes to Jesus and begs for His help. His response is startling. At first He ignores her. When she persists, He refers to her and the people of her country as little dogs not worthy of His blessings because they are not Jews.

Nativity of the Birth-giver of God - 09/18/2020

“Today is the beginning of joy for all the world; today the winds that bring the tidings of salvation blow.” “The barrenness of our nature has been loosed.” Such are the words with which the Church sings of the Birth of the Holy Theotokos. Eight days after we celebrated the New Year of the Church, we are now celebrating another New Year, a new beginning for the whole universe, Her Birth.

Запрошені та не йдуть - 09/10/2020

Сьогодні ми з вами у євангелії, записаній святим апостолом і євангелістом Матвієм, чули притчу про весільний бенкет. У давнину, коли цар влаштовував весільний бенкет для свого сина. це була подія, до якої ретельно готувалися. Готувалася особливо вишукана їжа і напитки. Це була подія суспільна і державна, яка стосувалася всіх людей. Бути присутнім на весіллі у царського сина було надзвичайно великою честю, не тільки тому, що людина опинялася серед розкішного бенкету, але й тому, що бути запрошеним царем, це саме по собі вже велика честь.

Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! - 09/10/2020

Today the Holy Orthodox Church commemorates the beheading of the glorious prophet, forerunner, and Baptist John. The Church reverences the holy saint with three separate and distinct titles: prophet, forerunner and Baptist. The first title associated with St. John is prophet. This is due to the fact that the Holy Orthodox Church widely considers St. John to be the last and greatest prophet of the Old Testament. His role as prophet is reaffirmed by Christ Himself in the Gospel of St. Matthew when he says: “Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. (Matthew 11:9,14). His role as prophet is once again reaffirmed by his own father prophet Zachariah in the Gospel of St. Luke when he proclaims: “And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High” (Luke 1:76). In addition, these proclamations fulfill Old Testament prophecy which prefigure St. John’s role as prophet. In Malachi 4:5, it is written: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes”. Therefore, we see that the role of St. John as prophet is not only pre-figured in Old Testament scripture, but is also re-affirmed by Christ Himself.

Sunday of the Man Born Blind - 05/21/2020

“Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him” (John9:3). These words were heard during the reading of the Gospel for this Sunday. It would seem that a great misfortune had afflicted this man: he was born blind, and he never saw the beauty of God’s world. When people saw this man blind from birth, they immediately thought that God had sent him this misfortune as a severe punishment for his sins, or those of his parents, because children are often punished for their parents’ sins.

The Samaritan Woman - 05/14/2020

It was the sixth-hour of the day, the hottest part of the day with the sun at its zenith. It was perhaps the worst time of the day to visit Jacob’s well. But water was the life blood of any Samaritan village and the community well had to be visited daily. There would be no avoiding it even though this particular Samaritan woman, whom tradition calls Photini, had little desire to have any kind of chance meetings with fellow Samaritans. Her life, with its multiple marriages and taint of fornication, had made her an outcast among the other good women of this town. In order to avoid the shame and displeasure of being shunned, she came late that day. The resulting meeting with the man who waited at the well, despite the initial social awkwardness of this seemingly chance encounter, would change everything.

Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom - 04/18/2020

If any man be devout and loves God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; because he shall in nowise be deprived therefore. If any have delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near, fearing nothing. If any have tarried even until the eleventh hour, let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness; for the Lord, who is jealous of his honor, will accept the last even as the first; he gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour, even as unto him who hath wrought from the first hour. And he shows mercy upon the last, and cares for the first; and to the one he gives, and upon the other he bestows gifts. And he both accepts the deeds, and welcomes the inten­tion, and honors the acts and praises the offering.

Homily on the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder - 03/20/2020

Saint John of the Ladder: challenges us to take the Gospel seriously. As such, it continues last week’s message: Deny Yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Christ. Why? Because the world has fallen, and we have fallen with it; and it takes energy to restore things to their proper state. It takes a lot of effort to fix something that has been broken. When we refuse that challenge, we are really saying that we prefer things the way they are; that we are comfortable with the mess we have made of this world and of the mess we have made of our lives. More importantly, we are saying that it is not worth the bother to help others recover from all their pain and suffering. That we prefer sitting in our own warm filth too much to get up and lend a hand to people in desperate need of help. Because that is what it means to follow Christ: it means to put the needs of others before our own. What else is love than the denial of the self in service to another? This is the love God has for all His children, and it is the same love He expects us to have for one another. And He expects this of us 24/7.

Неділя 1-ша Великого посту. Торжество Православ’я. - 03/05/2020

Свята, Православна, Соборна і Апостольська Церква святкує сьогодні день свого торжества. Церква за весь період свого існування піддавалася великим гонінням, і ці гоніння тривають і до нині. Але, найбільші гоніння випали на перші століття християнства, на період розколів і єресей. На семи Вселенських Соборах святі отці і вчителі Церкви відстоювали святість і єдність Церкви. Весь цей період закінчився перемогою Православ’я над єресями, і у 842 р. за візантійського імператора Михаїла і його матері Феодори, коли Константинопольським Патріархом був святитель Мефодій, встановлено свято «Торжества Православ’я».

The First Sunday of the Great Lent - 03/05/2020

The liturgical celebration of the First Sunday of the Great Fast, like all the other Sundays of the Great Fast, has gone through an evolution over the course of time. Originally it was a commemoration of the Old Testament prophets and their prophesies concerning our Lord based on the Gospel account wherein Philip tells Nathaniel, "We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the Law, and also the prophets,” (John 1:45). The Apostolic Reading from Hebrews also speaks about the prophets and their sufferings and concludes, “therefore, since we for our part are surrounded by this cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every encumbrance of sin which clings to us and persevere in running the race which lies ahead; let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2) Additionally the Alleluia verses also uphold this theme: Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel among those who called upon His Name. They called upon the Lord, and He answered them. (Psalm 98:6)


This morning we continue with the Sundays of preparation for our beginning of the journey we all make during Great Lent. We began two Sundays ago with the time of preparation for the Great Fast with being reminded of the importance of humility for our journey as we heard the parable of the Publican and Pharisee. Then last Sunday with the parable of the Prodigal Son, we were reminded of how the Love of God is central to our making this journey. Now we come to the Sunday of the Last Judgment as we are now reminded the reason for this journey we soon will embark upon: that with humility and aware of the Love of God for us, we begin this journey of cleansing of soul and body not only to properly celebrate the coming Feast of Feasts but to prepare ourselves for the coming day of the Last Judgment. We prepare ourselves in this way so that on that terrible and awesome Day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns to judge the living and the dead, we may be found worthy to stand on the right hand with those who lived their lives responding to the Love of God by extending that Love to our fellow man.

Four Orthodox Lessons From Martin Luther King - 01/20/2020

Every January Americans pause to honor the memory of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who led a civil rights movement that called this nation to see every person as created in the image and likeness of God and worthy of equal treatment under the law. One of the most beautiful moments in American Orthodox history was when Archbishop Iakovos of North and South America chose to march against racial segregation laws with Rev. King in Selma, Alabama. This event made famous on the cover of Life Magazine serves as a constant reminder that the Orthodox faith is not a museum of history but a way of living in the world that must carefully cultivated and acted upon. What we believe as Orthodox Christians is not merely one private opinion among many but an eternal truth that has serious implications for every choice we make. The fact that the most distinguished bishop in American Orthodoxy chose to march with Rev. King reminds every Orthodox Christian that we can learn much from the witness of America’s leading civil rights leader.

Велика Вечеря - 12/26/2019

Від самого початку історії людства наш Спаситель закликає людину прокинутися від гріховного сну, голос Божий ми чуємо через читання св. Єванглія. Через почуте ми повинні жити за правдою Божою, та згідно із законами Божими, любити ближніх своїх, співчувати та допомагати знедоленим і не робити нічого злого для ближнього свого.

The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - 11/29/2019

We have come to the December of yet another fleeting year, and we greet the arrival of the Feast of the Presentation, a major feast day of the Church Year. This feast is also known as The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple and is observed November 21 Gregorian Calendar / December 4 Julian Calendar. The Presentation feast day provides us another opportunity to pause, to reflect and celebrate the revealed plan of God’s salvation within the annual cycle of major feasts of the Orthodox Church. The Feast of the Presentation commemorates the bringing of the toddler child Mary, the future Birth-giver of God, to the Temple in Jerusalem where she would live and serve until her betrothal to Joseph.

We shine like pearles - 10/01/2019

Growing up all of us have known people who have had beautiful gardens, we like to lay back and look at the fruit of our labor; we love to see the formation of our children, we like to see ourselves grow in our work situations, and we especially like to see and watch ourselves grow spiritually. Today in the Gospel Saint Luke is telling us how to obtain growth in our spiritual lives; first it is important to enlighten and to feed ourselves with the word of God, by reading of the scriptures daily, and by fasting, and through the practice of prayer.

Exaltation of the Holy and Life-giving Cross - 09/23/2019

This Feast is a day of Strict Fast, similar to other commemorations of the Holy Cross during the year, such as the Third Sunday of Great Lent and the first day of the Dormition Fast. The Gospel reading for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is very similar to the Gospel reading during Vespers on Great Friday of Holy Week, commemorating the Crucifixion of Christ.


The Nativity of John the Baptist is the event leading to the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. "The star of stars, the Forerunner, is born on earth today, from a barren womb, John the beloved of God, and manifests the dawning of Christ, the Orient from on high" (from Lauds of the Feast). From this day forward the preparation of the human race begins to meet of the Son of God on earth. The announcement of the holy Archangel Gabriel to Zacharias in the Temple begins the New Testament Gospel. The announcement of the same Archangel Gabriel six months later in Nazareth to the Virgin Mary, is the continuation of the revelation of concerning the salvation of the human race.

Homily for the Sunday after Ascension - 06/05/2019

In Between Time

This (“in between time”) term summarizes so much for us. We all seem to be living in the time between one thing and another.

For youth. For our youth, this is the time between when our youth have been granted adult bodies and a certain knowledge of how the world works - and the time when they can put those bodies and their talents to good use. And no longer does such a description simply apply to the challenges of being a teenager; our culture has extended this time of waiting past its natural breaking point, well into adulthood. This creates tremendous dissonance and tension between what their biology and morality tell them to be natural and correct and what the world tells them is the right way they should live. It is also a time of great anticipation as they wait for their chance to “make a difference”, but this anticipation can be incredibly stressful and brings strong temptations for nihilism, hedonism, self-absorption, superficiality, and despondency.



Про сліпонародженого - 05/27/2019

“По вірі вашій, нехай буде вам.” Сказав Господь. Ми знаємо, що за гріхи батьків Бог наказує до четвертого покоління. Тому і учні запитали Його, хто согрішив, що він сліпим народився. Ісус відповів; ні він не согрішив, ні батьки його, а це для того, щоб відкрились на ньому діла Божі. (Ін. 9.3-7)

Parable of the Marriage Feast - 08/29/2018

Each of us views his world through his own lens - sometimes clear, other times foggy, or rose-colored. For me, since I’ve begun work on Orthodox Stewardship, I’ve begun to see a lot of things in terms of stewardship, most notably the passages of Holy Scripture. If you ask whether the idea of stewardship shows up in the Bible, I would say, “It’s everywhere.” In fact, I’ve wanted to compile some short homilies on how stewardship shows up in the regular Sunday readings, so this is a great opportunity to start!

The Feast of the Transfiguration! - 08/12/2018

In the biblical narratives of our Lord's Transfiguration it is easy to discern different points of inclusion and emphasis peculiar to each writer. Only Luke, for instance, mentions that Jesus was praying was He was transfigured, and only Matthew remarks that the disciples "fell on their faces."

Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men - 06/14/2018

Today we gather on this 2nd Sunday after Pentecost to honor all of those who have lived righteous lives in following the teachings and commandments of our Lord in Ukraine. On this Sunday of All Saints of Ukraine we commemorate those in our ancestral homeland who having received the grace of the Holy Spirit lived their lives in so as to fulfill the assignment of our Lord to be “fishers of men”.

Стрітення Господнє - 02/14/2018

На сороковий день після свята Різдва Христового, Православна Церква святкує одне з дванадцятьох найбільших церковних свят - свято Стрітення Господнього. Святий апостол і євангелист Лука в своїм Євангелії розповідає про подію, що лежить в основі цього свята (Лк.2). В сороковий день після народження Господа нашого Ісуса Христа, Пречиста Діва Марія відправилась у Храм з Божественним Немовлятком, аби сповнити обряд очищення, приписаний Мойсеєвим Законом (Лев.12). У храмі їх чекала несподівана зустріч: ....

Deny yourself and follow Him - 09/30/2017

Today we celebrate the 17th Sunday after Pentecost and also the Sunday after Exaltation of The Cross. We have heard two readings from the Holy Gospel, one according to St. Mark dedicated to afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and another one according to St. Mathew, the reading of this Sunday. Reflecting on the two passages we see the importance of the common theme, it is Kingdom of Heaven. In the first reading we receive the exact commandments what we should do, or how we should live our lives in order for us to inherit The Kingdom of God. And in another reading we have an example of people called, like all of us, to enter that Kingdom of Heaven but not all responded according to expectations of the Creator and therefore were not able to receive the blessing of that generous invitation.

The Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/04/2017

We have begun the Great Fast in preparation for the journey to Holy Pascha by asking everyone for forgiveness. We have prepared by eliminating meat and meat products, then eggs, milk, and other dairy products…and so it begins. The Church gives us help along the pathway of preparation—services of Saint Andrew of Crete, Akathists to the Most Holy Theotokos, Memorial Saturdays, and Presanctified Liturgies are all tools to sustain us as we travel the road to Resurrection Sunday.

Про Блудного Сина - 02/03/2017

Ісус Христос, щоб відкрити відвічну правду про Боже милосердя і про людину та її спасіння, промовляв до учнів притчами, вживаючи різні образи із сімейного та господарського життя, залишаючи їм можливість самим здогадатися про що йде мова, відкрити для себе Божу дію в їхньому житті.

God's Invitation to the Great Supper - 12/25/2016

Blessed are those who shall partake of bread in the Kingdom of God. In today's reading from the Holy Gospel we heard the parable about the Great Supper. The closest literal meaning of this parable is related to the Kingdom of God here on earth, - to Christ's Church. In this understanding, Jesus Christ is that man who prepared a great supper; the Church of Christ is the great supper; the first called were the Jewish people; those called secondly were the so-called 'pagans', who were originally non-Jewish Greeks and Romans. The third call would include all other people.

And this is Eternal Life... - 10/23/2016

Today’s second Gospel Reading, prescribed for the commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, is from the Gospel of St. John:

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come.  Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.  And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

A Powerful Transformation - 10/08/2016

Today the reading is telling us about Our Lord standing by the Lake of Genesaret, and while He was standing there at a distance there were men washing their fishing nets. Jesus entered into one of the ships which belonged to Simon Peter, and He asked Simon to go out away from the shore and He began to use the ship as a pulpit in order to teach the bystanders. After the Lord had finished teaching the people he told Peter to take the ship out into the deep water and to let down the nets. Peter retorted and said that he was fishing all night and had caught nothing. Nevertheless Simon Peter did as he was told and he and the others on the ship caught a multitude of fish and their nets began to break as they were pulling them in.

Велике Боже Милосердя - 09/01/2016

Cьогоднішня Євангельська притча є образом великого Божого милосердя до нас, людей, а водночас і образом нашого лукавства відносно наших ближніх. Цар, який хотів звести рахунки зі своїми слугами, - це Господь Бог, а ті боржники — це ми, люди, бо кожен з нас, починаючи від маленької дитини і аж до старості, входить у борг перед своїм Творцем, бо скільки разів згрішимо, стільки разів входимо у борг за який змушені раніше чи пізніше давати звіт. Господь Бог має повне право судити нас спра­ведливо за ці борги, має повне право покарати нас в'язницею, - тобто вічними муками. Але чи робить так Господь із нами? Ні! Він має велике милосердя над нами!

Ключі до Царства Небесного - 07/09/2016

Христос Спаситель, як чули ми з св. Євангелії, сказав Петрові: «Я дам тобі ключі до царства небесного, і що ти зв’яжеш на землі, то буде зв’язане і на небі, а що розв’яжеш на землі, то буде розв’язане і на небі». Чи дав же Христос Петрові ці ключі, про які зараз обіцяє, і як дав, то коли, і що це за ключі?

Урочистий в'їзд Ісуса до Єрусалиму - 04/23/2016

Цієї неділі, останньої неділі перед початком Страсного тижня ми, дорогі брати і сестри у Христі, святкуємо урочистий вхід Господа нашого Ісуса Христа в Єрусалим. Тож в чому полягає ця урочистість? І наскільки урочистим це свято є для кожного із нас в 21-му столітті? Яку ж роль покладаємо ми на себе, називаючи себе Христовим наслідником? Місія перебування Христа на землі наближається до кінця. Проголошена Нагірна проповідь, нагодовано тисячі людей, розказано притчі, пояснено Писання. Господь наш Ісус Христос завершує свою земну мандрівку до Єрусалиму – до свого Розп’яття і Воскресіння, двома великими подіями: воскресінням Лазаря та тріумфальним в’їздом до Єрусалиму.

Palm Sunday: Hosanna in the Highest - 04/23/2016

Two millennia ago, the residents of Jerusalem welcomed Christ as the savior of the Jewish people—a worldly ruler who would free them from the yoke of the Roman empire. Their Messiah would be a king in the conventional sense—with royal purple robes, a crown encrusted with precious stones, a scepter to show his earthly position, and a sword to lead his armies into battle and victory over all who would oppress his people.

Prodigal Son - 02/26/2016

“When I disobeyed in ignorance Thy fatherly glory, I wasted in iniquities the riches that Thou gavest me. Wherefore, I cry to Thee with the voice of the prodigal son, saying, I have sinned before Thee, O compassionate Father, receive me repentant, and make me as one of Thy hired servants.”

Of the four Sundays preceding Great Lent, none is more full of hope than that of the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the two brothers are poised at the crossroads of their adulthood. It is the realization point for the younger and perhaps the older that there is something more out there besides hearth and home. It is the realization and dream of every young person when attaining maturity to be set free from parental bonds, no matter how loving.

The Light That Shines - 01/23/2016

The Argo, a merchant ship sailing off the New England coast, ran aground and lost its cargo. It was traveling at night and in dense fog. The captain later explained that the ship was only three degrees off course. Those three degrees eventually meant a difference of ten miles at the point the ship hit ground. The ship's instruments had malfunctioned and in the darkness the captain could not see that he was approaching land.

Do not Like the Sin - 11/15/2015

How can one person see its sins and other person with similar sins can say I'm just a normal person, nothing is wrong with me? What happens when we are overloaded with "regular" sins, or the sins that every body else does. Find answers in this refrection.

Patriarchal Message for the New Ecclesiastical Year and the Day for the Protection of the Natural Environment - 08/31/2015

As everyone knows, September 1st of each year has been dedicated at the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate – and recently also by the Roman Catholic Church – as a day of prayer for the protection of the natural environment. On this day, we especially beseech the supreme God to gladden His creation so that human life therein may be joyful and fruitful. This prayer includes of course the petition that the inevitable natural climate changes may occur and be permitted within tolerable levels both for human survival and for the planet’s sustainability.

Мир і благодать - 08/13/2015

Мир і благодать- це є Господь, любов і довершеність- це є Господь, світло для світу, Пастир добрий, що покладе голову за овець своїх, Трисвяте світло, яке освітлює і є захистом для тих, хто взиває Ім’я Боже,- це і є невичерпне джерело. Від Нього одержуємо все, що потрібно для життя і спасіння.

Forgiving Others - 08/12/2015

C. E. Macartney, a Christian writer, has pointed out that when Leonardo da Vinci was about to paint his “Last Supper,” he had a quarrel with a fellow artist. He became so enraged that he decided to take his revenge by painting the face of his enemy into the face of Judas. He had determined to make the man go down in infamy. But when he came to paint the face of Christ, da Vinci could make no progress. Something was holding him back – his vengeful spirit. When he realized it, he painted out the face of Judas and began anew on the face of Christ which he finished with the success which the ages have acclaimed. Macartney comments: “You cannot at one and the same time be painting the features of Christ into your own life, and painting another face with the colors of enmity and hatred.”

Pentecost - 05/25/2015

On May 31st the Holy Orthodox Church celebrates Trinity Sunday also known as Pentecost in which the Church remembers the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles as heard in Acts 2:1-4 “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” This feast day is called Pentecost because the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and it is called Holy Trinity Day because from this day the action of the Holy Trinity was revealed to the world and people learned to venerate and glorify the three Persons of the one God, the Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - 05/05/2015

Christ is Risen!

Each and every one of us can relate to what it is like to be thirsty. When we are thirsty we drink something – water, coffee, tea…we drink something until we are no longer thirsty. But what happens? After time, we become thirsty once again. As human beings we will always need to drink something in order to live. We also know (or should know) that we are not perfect, especially when we look at ourselves spiritually. In fact, we can say that we have a spiritual thirst, just like the Samaritan woman we find in the Gospel lesson for this Sunday. Just like this woman, we go back to the “well” over and over again in life. The “well” in this case, can be used as a metaphor that can mean anything in our life that we continually return back to – something that we do not receive any long term reward or satisfaction.

Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom - 04/11/2015

If any man be devout and loves God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; because he shall in nowise be deprived therefore.

Якщо хто благочестивий і любить Бога, нехай насолодиться цим світлим торжеством. Якщо хто раб благорозумний, нехай увійде, радіючи, у радість Господа свого. Якщо хто потрудився, постячися, нехай прийме нині винагороду. Якщо хто від першої години працював, нехай отримає нині справедливу заплату. Якщо хто після третьої години прийде, дякуючи, нехай святкує. Якщо хто після шостої години з'явився, нехай не засумнівається, тому що нічого не втратив.

Стрітення - 02/13/2015

Стрітення святкують на 40-й день після народження Ісуса Христа. Ще в Старому Заповіті закон постановляв принести дитину для очищення в Храм хлопчика до 40 днів, а дівчинку до 80 днів. Дати в знак подяки Богові ягня чи горлицю.

Do you have pride? - 08/24/2014

In the gospel today of saint Matthew we read about a young man who approaches our Lord and says “what must I do in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?" Our Savior says to the young man that he must keep the Ten Commandments and the man said that he is faithful to the Law of Moses. This man is kind of proud about keeping up with the spiritual precepts, and then he goes on and ask “what else must be done in order to enter the Kingdom and have eternal life.” At this point our Lord says something very powerful “go sell everything you have, give the money to the poor and come follow me.” (Mt. 19:21-22)

Patriarchal Encyclical on Preservation of God's Creation - 08/16/2014

The common Mother of all Orthodox, the Church of Christ, the Body of our eternal Lord and divine-human Jesus Christ, compassionately ministers through all of its activities, but especially through the Divine Eucharist, by offering its holy gifts to their Creator in the mystery of salvation. It does this with proven boundless and indiscriminate love toward all of its members to the degree also demonstrated by our heavenly Father.

In its prayerful memory, the Church always bears in mind the presence of its children, maintaining a vivid interest and concern for all that relates to and influences their lives. This is why it does not remain unmoved or indifferent by the on-going and daily destruction of the natural environment resulting from human greed and vain profit, which in turn implies an essential turning of the Lord’s face and results in consequential turbulence in nature and fracture in its crown, namely human existence, whose very survival is threatened.

The Feast of Pentecost - 06/05/2014

The Feast of Pentecost is often an under-appreciated Feast, given its high ranking. However, it is also often misunderstood. For example, we see that some call Pentecost “the birthday of the Church.” However, the Church teaches us otherwise. The Synaxarion states the following: “Some erroneously hold that Pentecost is the ‘birthday of the Church.’ But this is not true, for the teaching of the holy Fathers is that the Church existed before all other things.”

Sunday of Orthodoxy! - 03/07/2014

Gathering in our Churches as members of the undivided Body of Christ to celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we call to mind the holy men and women who defended holy icons, succeeded in restoring them, and pronounced the authentic faith and worship of the Church.

Our beloved brothers and sisters, for us Orthodox Christians the presence of icons in our churches and in our homes bears witness to the Incarnation of God and His presence in our lives. Icons also remind us of His invitation to draw closer to Him. Sunday of Orthodoxy and the weeks that follow in Holy and Great Lent help facilitate our effort to become united to Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is our heartfelt prayer that through the veneration of holy icons a doorway to Christ will be opened unto us, permitting us to enter into the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19).

The most wonderful time of the year - 12/14/2013

We always come around to this Gospel lesson more or less at this time every year, sometime in December, before Christmas. By now, the Christmas carols (Andy Williams is one of my favorites) are continuous on several radio stations, as are the ‘spots’, the commercials, urging us to visit some retailer or other, to purchase yet another unaffordable and unnecessary luxury item as a present… to ourselves presumably.

2013 Nativity Fast - 11/18/2013

The Nativity Fast – and not only this fast, but all the other fasts prescribed by our Church – is a means by which we are able to place the spirit before the flesh and to bring desires of the flesh under the control of our spiritual and moral aspirations. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself sanctified fasting with his own example, when he fasted and prayed for 40 days and nights, preparing Himself for ministry to the human race. According to the teaching of the Saviour, fasting helps us to cleanse our soul from sin, frees us from the dominion of the devil and restores us to communion with God. “This kind can only be expelled by prayer and fasting,” (Mt 17:21) says the Lord. Emulating our Lord, Jesus Christ, we, on our life’s path, should take full advantage of this God-given time of the Nativity Fast to maintain a prayerful state of soul, for sincere repentance, and to be worthy of meeting the New-born Christ Child – the Saviour of the World.

The Way of Life and the Way of Death - 10/15/2013

We know, from Holy Scripture, that in the early days of the Church, our Faith, later to be called “Christianity”, was originally referred to as “the Way.” Its adherents, Christ’s disciples, were followers “of the Way.” Indeed, in the Didache, one of the oldest Christian documents not to have been canonized as Holy Scripture, being written towards the end of the first century, the opening line is, “There are two ways, one of life and one of death; but a great difference between the two ways.”

The Birth of Mary, Mother of God - 09/17/2013

Our remembrance of Mary today is both odd and countercultural. Odd: a huge feast, a big deal out of her birth, but no record in the Bible anywhere. Source: Gospel of James, a non-canonical source tells much of the detail in Mary's life (second half of second century). The Protoevangelion’s absence from the canon does not mean that all of its material was polluted. The Greek fathers found much of this source to be trustworthy, especially stories about Mary.

Turning the World Upside Down: 5 Ideas for Orthodox College Students - 09/14/2013

Keeping college students connected to the Church has been the focus of campus ministry for decades. However, the question must be asked: What kind of Church are we keeping college students connected to? Is it a Church that frequently worships emphasizing ethos of various ethnic communities? Is it the social Church of meetings, committees, conventions and festivals? Or is it the Church founded by Jesus Christ and lived by the Apostles – a church that changes lives and since Apostolic times has “turned the world upside down”?(Acts 17:5-7)

Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all - 09/02/2013

On the 11th Sunday after Pentecost we hear a parable in which the kingdom of heaven is described as a king who wants to settle accounts with his servants. When one of the servants approaches the King he is unable to pay his debt. Falling down before the king he begs for mercy saying “Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all”. Having compassion the king released him from all his debt obligations. Unfortunately, this servant did not show compassion to his own servants. Finding one of them, he demanded that he be re-paid one-hundred denarii that was owed him. This servant unable to pay fell before him and begged for patience and mercy.

Dormition of Most Holy Birth-giver of God - 08/27/2013

August 15/28

Fourth Watch - 08/03/2013

After the multitudes were fed “Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away.” (Matt. 14:22) In this verse the Lord is teaching us prudence, for often we humans have the weakness of lingering with the people who praise our so called good works. Thus, we fall into temptation and eagerly embrace men’s praise instead of heavenly rewards. Therefore, Jesus sends His disciples away immediately so that the Apostles not fall into temptation and the multitudes not fall into idolatry for the miracle performed.

Why Do We Need To Have Palm Sunday? - 04/22/2013

As Orthodox Christians we consider Palm Sunday as one of our beloved Major Feast Days. This day is also known as the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. All four Biblical Gospel accounts tell the story. A week before His Resurrection, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem riding a donkey. The people who greeted Jesus, in a manner of honor, covered His path by laying down clothing and branches. The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is “triumphal” because it is an event intended to proclaim that the Prince of Peace (Jesus Christ) has arrived as the King of Israel. This is why Jesus rode on a donkey - a symbol of peace, as opposed to a warrior on horseback.

Четверта Неділя Великого Посту - 04/10/2013

В той самий час, як Христос, узявши з собою трох апостолів Петра, Якова, й Івана вийшов на гору Фавор і там преобразився решта учнів лишились внизу під горою, де вже стала збиратися чимала громада. Якийсь чоловік привів із собою біснуватого сина і просив учнів щоб уздоровити дитину. Учні пробували це зробити, але не змогли. Коли ж Ісус зійшов з гори на долину, нещасний батько став просити Ісуса щоб Він врятував його сина, - і Спаситель одним словом вигнав нечистого духа. Тоді учні запитали Ісуса, чому вони не змогли цого зробити. Ісус відповів: «Цей рід недуги нічим не можна вигнати, тільки молитвою й постом.» З цього бачимо, що піст і молитва – могутня зброя, якою треба воювати проти нечистого духа. Великого добродійства зазнав цей юнак від Ісуса: він з дитинства був обплутаний злим духом що люто знущався над ним. Терпів хлопець, а з ним його батьки, що безпорадно дивилися щодня на його терпіння. І нарешті всі його страждання скінчилися. Ісус взяв юнака за руку і віддав батькам.

Друга неділя великого посту - 03/26/2013

Перебуваючи в часі великого посту, ідучи дорогою духовного подвигу, для всіх нас є невід'ємною частиною нашого життя очищення для того, щоб підготовити себе до великого свята - Воскресіння Господнього. Розуміючи піст - як стримання, достоїнство людини володіти собою, перемагати зло в самому собі, перемагати свої недобрі звички та пристрасті. Піст є обмеження потреб тіла, щоб віддати більше уваги вищим прагненням душі людської. Дорога, якою ми ідемо в часі чотиридесятниці — це є високий відданий Богові настрій душі, є рішуче відмежування від усього того, що може цей настрій принизити, чи зіпсувати спокусами життя.

Triumph of Orthodoxy - 03/23/2013

We, like Nathanael, can come to believe through our sight. But how is this not idolatry? It is not idolatry because God Himself has become an image. He is both the first icon maker and the first icon. If we then reject the physical depiction of the truly physical God-man, we are likely to reject that Jesus is truly present as God in this world. Think of the emperors who were quite happy to place their own images on things, but make God invisible. In doing so, they usurped the king of heaven and hellish behavior followed as they set themselves up as false gods.

Неділя М’ясопусна - 03/05/2013

Повчання про Страшний або Останній суд було сказано Ісусом Христом декілька днів до розп’яття. Бог створив наших предків Адама і Єву і вони жили в раю. “І створив Бог Людину за образом Своїм, за образом Божим створив її; чоловіка і жінку створив їх” (Буття 1, 27). Бог приходив до Адама і Єви і з ними говорив. Бог створив людей для вічного життя. По намові диявола, Адам і Єва з’їли з дерева пізнання добра і зла, що було заборонено Богом. Вони згрішили, тобто порушили заповідь Божу. Адам і Єва пізнали зло і стали смертними людьми. Вони в собі знівечили подобу Божу і за це були вигнані з раю.

The Publican and the Pharisee - 02/19/2013

There is the strange doctrine of Eternal Security as witnessed in the common saying “Once saved, always saved.” I remember the man who accosted me (yes, I was dressed as a priest) with the challenge: “Have you been saved?!?” Wow, that took a lot of gall. I responded: “I hope to be saved.” He countered with: “Well, I know if I died right now I would go immediately to Heaven!” How sad! This is the sin of pride – the very sin into which the Pharisee fell when he proclaimed he was better than other men – especially this Publican.

What Child is this? - 01/05/2013

Among all the repetitious versions of “Jingle Bell Rock” and “White Christmas” (the latter being meaningless in the south) in the month of December, one particular radio station I was listening to decided to play “What Child is this?” After I had listened to it, I began to wonder how many of us who profess to be Christians would know Who the child was, even though we claim to belong to Him. St. Joseph asked, not “what child is this” but rather “whose child is this” until the angel appeared, but then dedicated Himself and intertwined His life with Christ’s life until he reposed.

Archpastoral Nativity of our Lord Greeting! - 12/22/2012

To the Beloved Clergy, Monastics and Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches beyond the borders of Ukraine and our Ukrainian Orthodox Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine:


We greet you, our beloved spiritual children, at the bright and joyful Holy Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Christ – the Savior of the world is today manifested as the Christ-Child to all our earthly families.  May the peace and harmony of these magical Nativity Holy Days fill each of our lives!  Let us seek joy, solace and assistance in the Bethlehem cave where the “angels sing” and “glorify the newborn Christ-Child”.

Різдво Господа Бога нашого і Спасителя Ісуса Христа – 2012 - 12/22/2012

До улюблених священнослужителів, монахів та вірних Української Православної Церкви поза межами України та наших українських православних братів і сестер в Україні:


Вітаємо вас, наші улюблені діти, у цей світлий і радісний день Різдва Господа нашого і Спасителя Ісуса Христа! Христос — Спаситель світу – сьогодні являється як Христос-Немовлятко до всіх наших земних сімей. Нехай мир і злагода чудодійних святих різдвяних днів наповнять наше життя! Шукаймо радості, потіхи і допомоги у Вифлиємській печері де “ангели співають” і “прославляють новонароджене Дитя”.

2012 Patriarchal Christmas Encyclical - 12/21/2012

“Christ is born, glorify Him; Christ is on earth, exalt Him.”

Let us rejoice in gladness for the ineffable condescension of God.The angels precede us singing: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will among all people.”

Yet, on earth we behold and experience wars and threats of wars. Still, the joyful announcement is in no way annulled. Peace has truly come to earth through reconciliation between God and people in the person of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, however, we human beings have not been reconciled, despite God’s sacred will. We retain a hateful disposition for one another. We discriminate against one another by means of fanaticism with regard to religious and political convictions, by means of greed in the acquisition of material goods, and through expansionism in the exercise of political power. These are the reasons why we come into conflict with one another.

The Entrance of the Holy Mother of God into the Temple - 12/03/2012

Today the living Temple of the holy glory of Christ our God * Mary, the pure and blessed one, * is being brought into the temple according to the Law * to live in its holy precincts * Joachim and Anne and all the virgins * rejoice with her in spirit. * They sing hymns of praise to the Lord * and honor His Mother.
(Vesper Verse for the Feast)

We celebrate today the Feast of the Entrance of the holy Mother of God into the Temple. One of the first things we notice is the great joy there is in her and those around her. Mary will be dwelling in the Temple of the Lord as she is being prepared to be the Temple of the Lord – the God-bearer or the Birth-Giver of God.

God's power is made perfect in weakness - 05/15/2012

The healing of the Man Born Blind was the sixth of the seven signs carried out by our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ as recounted in the Gospel according to St. John. Each sign seemed to become more spectacular than the one preceding it until the greatest sign prior to the Passion, Death and Resurrection: The raising His friend Lazarus from the tomb after he had been dead for four days.

“Behold Your King Comes to You!” (Jn. 12:15) - 04/06/2012

With the solemn Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, the great mystery of our salvation begins to unfold before us. Through the events of Holy Week, we, His Church, are invited behold what the Lord, who has come into Jerusalem, accomplishes. What is the meaning of this coming or entrance? Perhaps it will be helpful if we review the ways in which the Lord has come to us as revealed in the Scriptures, that we might discern His working in our midst.


Each Sunday, both of Pre-Lent and Lent itself, has a poignant message for us so that we might take seriously the business of repentance (metanoia) and have the direction about how to achieve this goal. The Pre-Lenten Sundays are meant to shape our attitude so that we might be predisposed to enter into this sacred time without the grievous pitfall of hypocrisy. There is nothing worse than seemingly observing Lent, but through pride, lack of forgiveness or other hypocrisy to make this season of no value at all, but rather worthy of condemnation.

Дай бачити провини мої - 02/24/2012

Дорогі мої, настає час, чи може і вже настав, коли ми повинні вміти, а найперше — захотіти не осуджувати, простити і забути. Світ знаходиться в стані дрімоти, гріховного сну, спить... Будить його Бог жорстокими війнами, моровими пандеміями, техногенними катастрофами, спустошуючими пожарами, повенями, руйнівними торнадами, землетрусами, засухами, неурожаями. ...

Неділя М'ясопусна - 02/18/2012

На початку Своєї спасенної проповіді до народу Ісус Христос у двох притчах про сівача та пшеницю й кукіль прирівнює Свою працю благовісника Божого слова до праці на ниві: Сівач доброго насіння – це Син Чоловічеський(Мф 13. 37) Три роки Він сіяв добре зерно Своєї науки, яке, зібране і знов посіяне Його учнями, мало давати врожай доброго насіння, тобто виховувати синів Царства Божого (Мф. 13, 38)

Archpastoral Letter - 01/01/2012

Into a restless and darkened world appeared the shining light of the Bethlehem star, - the star which announced the incarnation of Him Who would illuminate the darkness and calm the sea of restlessness by His peace. Into the silence of the night comes the majestic chant of the Angels heralding god's greatest manifestations of love towards mankind, - a love which sends His only Begotten Son to the earth.

Архипастирське послання - 01/01/2012

В невгамовний та затемнений світ з'явилось блискуче світло Вифлеємської зірки, - зірки, яка звістила про воплочення Того, Хто просвітить темряву і заспокоїть море невгамованості своїм миром. В нічну тишу пробиває чарівний ангельський спів звіщаючи про найбільше Боже виявлення любові до людства, - виявлення любові, що посилає Свого Єдинородного Сина на землю.

Sunday before the Nativity - 12/28/2011

Today’s Gospel according to St. Mathew chapter 1 verse 1-25 is read ones a year, every Sunday before the Nativity of Our Lord and God Jesus Christ.

More then a century years ago, Church Fathers have prescribed exactly this Gospel to be read a week before the Feast of the Nativity. Though, why did they decided to pick especially this passage of the Gospel of Mathew?

To whom do you belong? - 11/27/2011

Street gangs use different colors to identify which gang they belong to. Sport fans wear the logos of their favorite teams to show to whom they are loyal. As we move into the elections for a new president bumper stickers will identify which candidate or political party the driver supports. It is not only common to identify ourselves with one group or another it also has a long history. Not long after God made this promise to Abraham: ...

The rich man and Lazarus - 11/04/2011

In the Gospel reading of “the rich man and Lazarus” we hear a parable describing an unnamed rich man living a very lavish lifestyle. A lifestyle so lavish, it consisted of having the finest clothing, the finest food and the finest materialistic possessions one could have during those times. It almost seems the rich man was living the dream many of us dream of today, especially if we end up winning the lottery. Basically, the rich man was living a care free life only caring for himself and no one else. On the other hand, the parable begins to describe a man completely opposite of the rich man. This man being Lazarus lies poor and diseased before the entry gate of the rich man’s dwelling, so poor that he desires “to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table” (Luke 19:21). In the end both men faced what each and every one of us will have to face one day and that is death.

Притча про сіяча - 10/27/2011

В сьогоднішньому Євангелії Господь говорить притчу про сіяча. Ученики запитали Його - що значить притча оця? Отож разом з ними і ми запитаємо, щоб навчитися, як ми повинні слухати та сприймати слово Боже! Це найголовніше, що є в житті людському, - дізнатися, що говорить тобі Христос. Найщасливіша та людина, дорогі браття і сестри, хто чує це і осягає і пізнає своїм розумом.

Господь сказав - вам дано осягнути таємниці Божого Царства. Сказав своїм послідовникам і поступово просвічує учнів Своїх випробовуючи в вірності Божественної правди. Тому то і ми своїми душами та серцями підемо в наслідуванні слова Божого. Серце - це грунт, грунт для насіння Божого, місце для доброго плоду. Тому і сенс життя з'єднати наше серце зі Словом Божим. І тоді Господь зробить наше життя по істинні дивним!

15th Sunday after Pentecost - 09/19/2011

2 Corinthians 4: 6-15. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is working in us, but life in you.

Багато покликаних та мало вибраних - 09/15/2011

Такими словами Христос  завершує свою Євангельську притчу, в якій Спаситель образно змальовує історію взаємовідносин між Богом та людьми. В притчі Ісус Христос показує Царя, який післав слуг своїх для того, щоб вони запросили весільних гостей, та останні відмовилися, поскільки  в кожного була поважна причина. Після другого запрошення така сама реакція, більше того на кінець ще й слуг  його повбивали. Почувши це Цар наказав вичубити всіх та спалив їхні міста. Тоді  посилає слуг своїх кажучи : " ідіть на шляхи та перехрестя і запрошуйте всіх кого знайшли злих та добрих".  Весілля поповнилося людьми. Побачивши чоловіка без весільної одежі, Господар карає його кажучи : " вкиньте його в темряву надвірню, там буде плач та скрегіт зубів" (Мф. 22;13).

The Beheading of St. John the Baptist - 09/09/2011

"The memory of the righteous is celebrated with hymns of praise, but the Lord's testimony is sufficient for you, O Forerunner; for you have proved to be even more venerable than the prophets since you were granted to baptize in the running waters Him Whom they proclaimed. Wherefore, having contested for the truth, you did rejoice to announce the good tidings even to those in Hades; that God has appeared in the flesh, taking away the sin of the world and granting us great mercy." (Troparion of the Feast)

The day of the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist is commemorated by the Holy Orthodox Church on the September11. In memory of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, the feast day established by the Church is also a strict day of fast -- as an expression of the grief of Christians at the violent death of the saint.

В пам'ять вічну буде праведник... - 09/07/2011

Сьогодні , ми з вами зібралися в цьому храмі, щоб одними вустами і серцем прославити нашого Спасителя і Господа Ісуса Христа, Його Пречисту Матір, святих апостолів і пророків, котрі засвідчили своїм праведним життям віру і любов до свого Господа.

Одного із пророків церква вшановує пам'ять усікновення чесної голови великого пророка і Предтечі Хрестителя Господнього Іоана.

Message for the Day of the Protection of the Environment - 09/01/2011

God’s grace renders us worthy today to commence yet another ecclesiastical year, one more festive cycle, within whose blessed opportunities we are called to struggle spiritually in order better to evaluate the potential that we have been granted for growing “in the likeness” of God so that we also might become His saints. Learn More »

The Faith of our Fathers, The Missionary Zeal of the First Century Church! - 08/11/2011

When we look at an overview of the first thousand years of church history, we know that the church was united, yet the faithful had difficulty knowing what to believe and who to follow. The Apostles were the best source of religious and spiritual leadership so many people followed them. In the year 33 AD we find the beginning of the New Testament Church on Pentecost Sunday. St. Peter, standing with the eleven, gave a sermon that converted 3000 souls in Jerusalem. He preached the good news, and wanted them to join him and those who believe in Jesus as the Messiah of God, and to follow the teaching of those who have eye witnessed the events of Christ’s ministry. “Now, at that time, there were visitors, devout men, in Jerusalem. They spoke in different languages being from different parts of the world. The power of the Holy Spirit was all about the city. The people knew Peter was from Galilee and were amazed and marveled on how he could speak to them in their own language. They were perplexed as to what this meant. Shortly after, they were baptized, took part in the prayers and in the breaking of the bread. This was a mass conversion in just one town, Jerusalem. On one day, Pentecost.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and St. Olga Day - 07/20/2011

The omnipotent Lord not only sees all our deeds; He knows our thoughts and all our plans. We cannot hide our inner feelings from God. He sees and knows everything. He is always with us. Regardless if our thoughts are pure or evil or contaminated by temptations of this world, the Lord knows all. Nothing can be hidden from Him. We heard in today’s Gospel lesson about Old Testament teachers who could not hide their thoughts from Jesus. When Jesus healed the paralytic, he said to him: “Son be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you”.

Уздоровлення двох біснуватих - 07/14/2011

В п'яту неділю після зішесття Святого Духа свята церква подає нам науку з події, що мала місце на березі землі Гадаринської. 3устріли Ісуса Христа двоє розумово хворих - опановані злим духом. Ісус Христос зцілив біснуватих без їхнього бажання й послав злих духів у стадо свиней, яке паслось поблизу. Весь гурт свиней кинувсь з кручі в воду й потонув.

2nd Sunday after Pentecost - 06/20/2011

Who among you, would leave your wife, husband, family to follow a man who invited you to do so. Who will take care of your mortgage, your car loan, the college tuition. Do we have the same faith as that of the men who were first called. There are few who can say yes right off, yet the rest hesitate, they worry. Our Lord knows of our opposition, for He said, “Do not worry about your life!” (Matt. 6:25)

День Святої Тройці - 06/06/2011

Вже проминуло 50 днів після славного Воскресіння з мертвих нашого Спасителя Ісуса Христа. Сьогодні ми звертаємось словами молитви до Бога Святого Духа «Царю Небесний!..», щоб Він завітав до наших сердець та привів нас до важливої мети нашого спасіння. Дорогі мої брати і сестри, сьогодні у Святій нашій Православній Церкві, ми святкуємо велике дванадесяте свято: День Святої Тройці, П’ятидесятниця.

Archpastoral Letter for Pascha 2011! - 04/23/2011

Our hearts are filled today with joy that is beyond description, joy that completes the time of the ‘bright sadness’ that we have journeyed through and it is with this joy that we greet you on “the day that the Lord has made” (Paschal Matins), the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Archpastoral Letter: Great Lent 2011! - 02/23/2011

By God’s will, we draw near, once again, to the Great Feast of all Feasts – the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord, our God and our Savior. In order to greet the feast in a worthy fashion, the Holy Church leads us into the Great Fast, which is unique in its liturgical services, celebrated only during this time of the ecclesiastical year, with one goal: bringing us to sincere repentance, changing our life’s direction – drawing us nearer to God rather than away from Him, because we have distanced ourselves from Him by our weakness and sinfulness.

Thanksgiving 2010! - 11/23/2010

Let us offer special gratitude for our religious freedom and remember in prayer all who have ever helped us in a time of need. Finally, as “one nation under God”, we cannot forget those who have less or nothing at all. Let us reach out to those in need – for example, through the Ukrainian Orthodox League’s Thanksgiving Tithe Event – to share our bounty, however humble, with them.  The very best way to give thanks to God for His abundant blessings upon us is to imitate Him by providing blessings to others.

Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha 2010! - 04/03/2010

       Once again, the sacred day of Pascha has dawned in full delight and splendor, dispersing joy, comfort, gladness and assurance of life to all faithful, despite the heavy atmosphere that prevails in our world on account of the multidimensional crisis with all its familiar painful consequences for our daily life.
       Christ has risen from the tomb as divinely human; and humanity has risen with Him! The tyranny of death belongs to the past. The hopelessness of hades’ captivity has irrevocably gone. The only powerful Giver of life, having through His Incarnation voluntarily assumed all of the misfortune of our nature and all that it entails, namely death, has already “brought death to hades by the lightning of divinity,” granting us life – and “life in abundance.” (John 10.10)

Famine (Holodomor) in Ukraine: 1932 - 1933! - 10/23/2009

During the autumn every year we Ukrainians in the homeland and in the Diaspora gather together to honor the memory of our brothers and sisters who were made to suffer through the Holodomor of 1932-33.


Persons with disabilities comprise the largest minority group in the United States, with almost 20% of the population facing disability in one form or another. Disability affects people of all backgrounds, nations and races, of both genders and any age. A disability stems from an impairment that is either congenital, or the result of disease, injury, or the developmental and aging processes.

Nativity of the Birth-Giver of God! - 09/20/2009

"Your birth, O Birth-Giver of God, brought joy to the whole world, for from you dawned the sun of righteousness, Christ our God. Freeing us from the curse, He gave us His blessings. Abolishing death, He granted us eternal life."

18th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence! - 08/23/2009

For those who rightfully focus on the spiritual reality of that which occurred eighteen years ago, the event of August 1991, was clearly a good gift from God. It was the answer to fervent prayers uttered and noble deeds accomplished over centuries; prayers and deeds often sealed in blood, shed out of love, for the nation and her people. Read more>

Patriarchal Proclamation for Pascha 2009! - 04/08/2009

The Resurrection! And this Resurrection is an equally unquestionable historical reality! This reality has immediate and salvific consequences for all of us. The Son of God, who is at the same time the Son of Man, was risen. 

Pascha 2009! - 04/04/2009

The most festive and joyous Feast of all Feasts of the ecclesiastical year is that of the glorious Resurrection of our Lord. As we sing in the ninth irmos of the Paschal Canon at Matins: “This chosen and holy day is the first of the Sabbaths, the queen and lady, the feast of feasts, and the festival of festivals...”

In these Holy Paschal days we heartily greet you, our Orthodox brothers and sisters in Diaspora and scattered throughout the whole world. We wholeheartedly greet our beloved faithful who reside in Ukraine. May the Risen Lord unite us all in His love, fill our souls with spiritual joy, and infuse our hearts with peace and harmony...

Ecumenical Patriarch: Catechetical Homily For Holy and Great Lent! - 02/23/2009

The fast proposed to us by our Holy Church is not any deprivation, but a charisma. And the repentance to which it calls us is not any punishment, but a divine gift.

Sunday of Cheesefare and Mission Sunday! - 02/23/2009

May our hearts be filled with hope and love as we prayerfully anticipate the triumphant Resurrection of Christ our God; and may we be given the strength and courage to share this glorious promise with our brothers and sisters around the world.

The Feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy - March 8, 2009! - 02/22/2009

We, the Hierarchs of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, greet you with love and blessings on the Feast of the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the first Sunday of Holy and Great Lent. This year, amidst the tumult and the insecurity that seem to pervade the globe, we exhort all of you to stand firm in your Orthodox Faith in God, the Faith that has established the world, the Faith that is the bedrock of our Holy Church, the pillar and ground of truth (1 Timothy 3:15).

Great Lent - 2009! - 02/17/2009

The Holy Church at this time of Great Lent calls us, the faithful, to reflect upon our spiritual life. After comparing our life with the teachings of God’s Ten Commandments, the Lord’s sermon about “the blessed” and the highest standard of love – the commandment to “love your enemies” – we are called to condemn our deeds and to repent. This process requires a spiritual rebirth... 

Nativity of Christ Archpastoral Letter! - 12/20/2008

Once again, we experience, by the grace of God, the Great Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ in the midst of Winter, bringing to us a Spring-like joy, the joy of the birth of the Infant, “a great joy which will be for all people…for there is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2: 10-11).

The Nativity of our Lord Proclamation of the Ecumenical Patriarch! - 12/20/2008

The great and sacred day of Christmas has dawned, the metropolis and mother of all feasts, inviting each of us to spiritual uplifting and encounter with the Ancient of Days, who became an infant for us.

The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple! - 12/04/2008

Today in the Holy Orthodox Church we celebrate the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. Leading the procession into the Temple were virgins with lighted tapers in their hands, then the three-year-old Most-holy Virgin, led by her father and mother. The virgin was clad in vesture of royal magnificence and adornments as was befitting the “King’s daughter, the Bride of God” (Psalm 44:13-15). Following them were many kinsmen and friends, all with lighted tapers. Fifteen steps led up to the Temple. Joachim and Anna lifted the Virgin onto the first step, then she ran quickly to the top herself, where she was met by the High Priest Zachariah, who was to be the father of St. John the Forerunner. Taking her by the hand, he led her not only into the Temple, but into the “Holy of Holies,” the holiest of holy places, into which no one but the high priest ever entered, and only once each year, at that.Zachariah “was outside himself and possessed by God” when he led the Virgin into the holiest place in the Temple, beyond the second curtain-otherwise, his action could not be explained. The Most-holy Virgin remained in the Temple and dwelt there for nine full years. While her parents were alive, they visited her often. When God called her parents from this world, the Most-holy Virgin was left an orphan and did not wish to leave the Temple until death or to enter into marriage. The Most-holy Virgin Mary was the first of such life-vowed virgins, of the thousands and thousands of virgin men and women who would follow her in the Church of Christ. Through her intercessions, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us, and save us. Amen. Read more>

St. Philip's Fast! - 11/18/2008

We are currently living through the Pre-Nativity Fast – also known as Philip’s Fast because it begins on 15/28 November, the day following the Feast of the Holy Apostle Philip and known in the Western Church as Advent.  This fast continues to the Great Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ – the Incarnation – God becoming one of us for no other reason than to prove the depth of His Love for us.

His All Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, on the Day of the Protection of the Environment - 09/01/2008! - 08/30/2008

Once again, as the ecclesiastical year begins, we are called to reflect – with renewed spiritual intensity in Christ and especial sensitivity – on the state of our bountiful planet, and to offer particular prayers for the protection of the whole natural world.

The Falling Asleep of the Mother of God! - 08/26/2008

"Let us crown the Church with songs on the falling asleep of the ark of God; for today doth heaven open its bosom to receive her who gave birth to the One whom all cannot contain. And earth doth adorn itself in blessing and splendour, restoring the fount of life."  (Vesperal Litiya of the Feast, Fifth Tone)

I’m a College Student: How Could I Possibly Find Time to Pray! - 08/08/2008

by Albert S. Rossi, Ph.D.

During an Orthodox College Fellowship retreat last spring, a college student said, "If I put Christ first, the suffering will be great and the joy will be greater."

Pascha 2008! - 04/16/2008

To the venerable clergy of all ranks and the devout laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church beyond the borders of and within Ukraine.  May the Peace of the Risen Lord be with you all!

Christ is Risen!  Indeed He is Risen!

Patriarchal Proclamation on the Holy Pascha! - 04/16/2008

Dearly beloved Brethren and Children in the Lord,

“Behold, the winter has passed!”  “Arisen is the spring” of salvation; “flowers appear across the land, the sound of the turtle-dove is heard, … the vines are in bloom and give forth their fragrance”. 

2008 Great Lent Web Resources! - 02/22/2008

Click here to Begin Your 2008 Great Lent Journey! 

Great Lent 2008! - 02/22/2008

Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops
Beyond the Borders of Ukraine

Great Lent 2008

“Turn not your face away from me, for I am afflicted.
Tend to my soul and speedily heal it”  (Ps 26:9).”

Thus, the Great Prokimen of the Forgiveness Sunday Vesper Service is chanted as the Royal Doors are closed. Adam is expelled from Eden, and we, the children of God, the followers of Christ Who is the Light of the world, begin our pilgrimage of Great Lent, the Great Fast.

Archpastoral Nativity Letter - 12/14/2007

Archpastoral Nativity Letter (English)

Archpastoral Nativity Letter (Ukrainian)

A Harvest is Expected - 08/26/2007

The 13th Sunday After Pentecost
Fr. Deacon Ihor Mahlay

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P.O. Box 495
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135 Davidson Avenue
Somerset, NJ 08873

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