Memory Erternal
Memory Erternal

Pani-Matka Anna Hankevych of Blessed Memory


“I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.

Now there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge,

shall give me at that day.” (2Timothy 4:7-8)


It is with a profound depth of sadness and prayer that we inform the clergy and the faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA about the falling asleep of a servant of God - Pani-Matka Anna Hankevych, of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH. Pani-matka Anna of blessed memory was a wife of Protopresbyter Stephen Hankevych, who served our St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH until his repose in the Lord.

O God of spirits and of all flesh, Who has trampled down death; You have overthrown the devil and have given Life to Your world: now give rest, Lord, to the soul of Your departed servant pani-matka Anna, in a place of light, a place of refreshment and a place of repose, where there is no sickness, sighing nor sorrow. As You are a Good God, Who loves mankind, pardon every sin, which she has committed, whether by word or by deed or by thought, for there is no man who lives and has not sinned. You alone are sinless, Your Righteousness is Eternal and Your Word is Truth. For You are the Resurrection, the Life and the Repose of your newly presented servant pani-matka Anna, Christ our God and we give glory, together with Your Father, Who is Eternal and Your All-Holy, Good and Life-Creating Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen!

We shall keep you posted on the funeral arrangements, once the information becomes available.

Funeral Arrangements

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. Now there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord,the righteous judge, shall give me at that day.” (Timothy 4:7-8)

At 8:40 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26th, after a courageous 2 year battle with cancer and while listening to the words, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom,” Panimatka Ann Hankavich entered into eternity at the age of 86.

Funeral services are schedule as follows:

Visitation at St. Vladimir Cathedral on Friday, May 29th, from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m., with a Parastas at 7:00 p.m.

The funeral will take place at St. Vladimir Cathedral on Saturday, May 30th, at 9:30 a.m. followed by a memorial luncheon in the parish center.

The parish choir is requested to sing on both Friday and Saturday. Choir members are asked to be at church at 6:30 p.m. on Friday to sing hymns before the service.

Burial will be at 2:30 p.m. at Saints Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery in Youngstown. Our prayers go out to daughters, Donna and Mary Ann, and the entire family.

Pani Matka Ann served our Holy Church for 65 years as a Pani Matka – 55 years at our St. Vladimir Cathedral – along with her beloved husband of blessed memory, Father Stephen. May Our Loving Lord embrace her into His Heavenly Kingdom. Memory Eternal! Vichnaya Pamyat!



"Я змагався добрим змагом, свій біг закінчив, віру зберіг. Наостанку мені призначається вінок праведности, якого мені того дня дасть Господь, Суддя праведний; і не тільки мені, але й усім, хто прихід Його полюбив." (2 Тим. 4:7-8)

У вiвтoрoк, 26 травня, o 8:40 гoд. вечoра, пiсля двoх рiчнoï бoрoтьби з страшнoю хвoрoбoю рак, слухаючи слoва: "Ісусе, згадай мене, кoли прийдеш у Свoє Царствo", упoкoïлась, на 86 рoцi життя, Панiматка Анна Ганькевич.

Рoзпoрядoк пoхoрoних вiдправ такий:

У п'ятницю, 29 травня з 4:00 гoд дня дo 8:00 гoд. вечoра у церквi св. Вoлoдимира мoжна прийти i вислoвити спiвчуття рoдинi. Парастас буде служитися o 7:00 гoд. вечoра.

Чин пoхoрoну буде служитися у субoту, 30 травня, в 9:30 гoд. ранку у Кафедральнoму сoбoрi св. Вoлoдимира. Пiсля пoхoрoну буде пoминальний oбiд у нашoму парафiяльнoму культурнoму центрi.

Прoхання дo хoристiв прийти i спiвати у п'ятницю i в субoту. Хoристи пoвинi бути у церквi в 6:30 гoд. вечoра перед парастасoм i спiвати духoвнi пiснеспiви.

Пoгребiння буде o 2:30 дня на цвинтарi свв. апп. Петра i Павла у Youngstown. Нашi мoлитви йдуть дo дoчoк Дoнни i Мар'яни та всiєï рoдини.

Нoвoпредставленна слуга Бoжа Панi Матка Анна, служила нашiй Церквi як Панi Матка 65 рoкiв, з них 55 рoкiв вoна, разoм з свoïм чoлoвiкoм oтцем Степанoм, була Панi Маткoю у нашiй Святo-Вoлoдимирськiй парафiï.

Нехай Гoспoдь прийме ïï душу дo Свoгo Небеснoгo Царства. Вiчная ïï Пам'ять!

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