Memory Eternal: Funeral Arrangements for Julian Naumenko of Blessed Memory
Memory Eternal: Funeral Arrangements for Julian Naumenko of Blessed Memory

It is with deep sorrow that the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, along with the clergy and faithful, extend heartfelt condolences to the Naumenko family during this time of profound grief and prayerful remembrance upon the falling asleep in the Lord of Julian Naumenko, the son of the Very Reverend Fr. Taras Naumenko and Panimatka Laura Naumenko.

Funeral arrangements are as follows:

  • Visitation Hours:
    Date: January 15, 2025
    Time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
    Location: Saint Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
    Address: 6740 North 5th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


  • Funeral Service:
    Date: January 15, 2025
    Time: 11:00 AM
    Location: Saint Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
    Address: 6740 North 5th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


  • Interment:
    Date: January 15, 2025
    Time: 3:00 PM
    Location: Saint Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery
    Address: Spiritual Center of the UOC of the USA, 1960 Easton Ave, South Bound Brook/Somerset, New Jersey

We call upon the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to unite in prayer for the repose of the soul of the newly-departed servant of God, Julian. May our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, grant him eternal rest in His heavenly kingdom and console his family with the peace of His divine love.

The Council of Bishops, together with the clergy and faithful, express their unwavering support and prayers to the Naumenko family, especially to the Very Reverend Father Taras Naumenko, Panimatka Laura Naumenko, Julian’s sister Alexis, and her fiancé Andrii Akulenko.

May the memory of the newly-reposed servant of God Julian be eternal!

In Christ’s Love,
Archbishop Daniel

Вічна Пам’ять: Похоронні Богослужіння слуги Божого Юліана Науменко
З глибоким сумом Собор єпископів Української Православної Церкви США, духовенство та віряни висловлюють сердечні співчуття родині Науменків у цей час глибокої скорботи та молитовної пам'яті з приводу упокоєння у Господі Юліана Науменка, сина Протоієрея Тараса Науменка та добродійки Лори Науменко.  
Розклад Похоронних Богослужінь: 
Години Прощання: 
Дата: 15 січня 2025 року 
Час: 9:00 - 11:00 
Місце: Український Православний Собор Святого Володимира 
Адреса: 6740 North 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 
Дата: 15 січня 2025 р. 
Час: 11:00 Місце: Український Православний Собор Святого Володимира 
Адреса: 6740 North 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 
Дата: 15 січня 2025 р. 
Час: 15:00 
Місце: Український Православний Цвинтар Св. Андрія Первозванного 
Адреса: Духовний Осередок УПЦ США, 1960 Easton Ave, South Bound Brook/Somerset, New Jersey 
Закликаємо духовенство та вірних Української Православної Церкви США об'єднатися в молитві за упокій душі новопреставленого раба Божого Юліана. Нехай Господь і Спаситель наш Ісус Христос дарує йому вічний спокій у Своєму Небесному Царстві та утішить його родину миром Своєї Божественної любові. 
Собор єпископів разом із духовенством та вірними висловлюють свою непохитну підтримку та молитви сімʼї Науменків, особливо Протоієрею Тарасу Науменку, добродійці Лорі Науменко, сестрі Юліана Алексис та її нареченому Андрію Акуленку. 
Вічна пам'ять Юліану Науменку! 
У Христовій любові, 
Aрхієпископ Даниїл

Julian Naumenko of Blessed Memory (11/21/2005–01/11/2025)

Beloved son of Very Rev. Fr. Taras & Pani Matka Laura Naumenko, brother to Alexis Naumenko, and grandson to Sasha & Natalia Pylypenko and the late Borys & Maria Naumenko. Julian was born November 21,2005 in Palos Heights, Illinois.

As Julian grew, quickly emerged his mop of thick blond hair, suave dance moves, and his sweet, albeit mischievous, nature. Julian has always been curious about the world around him, his parents fostered this curiosity through exposure to as much travel as possible. Julian saw the world, and through his experiences developed a desire to work towards its greater good. He is forever remembered as having equal parts strength and compassion, determination and sensitivity, intelligence and humor.

From the time he could hold a candle, Julian diligently performed his duties as an altar server in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA  alongside his father Very Rev. Fr. Taras Naumenko. He participated in the church’s youth organization the Jr. Ukrainian Orthodox League and attended the All Saints Camp in Emlenton, PA. Julian’s faith guided him through many trials, and provided him a strong core to move confidently through the world.

Though Julian enjoyed many hobbies such as fishing at his favorite spot in the Florida Keys, snowboarding, playing with his dogs Archie & Luna  and amateur automotive painting nothing compared to his love of soccer. Once the family relocated to Hatboro, PA Julian began playing for his beloved Philadelphia Ukrainian Nationals Soccer Club. Through his ten years with the organization, Julian fostered friendships, proudly supported his Ukrainian heritage, and developed his skills as a goalkeeper and leader within his peer group.

Attending Archbishop Wood High School, Julian earned his place as a soccer letterman and served as team Captain in his Junior and Senior seasons. Julian was consistently identified by teammates and friends as an exemplary leader, someone who led with passion and motivated his team towards excellence. His leadership on the field earned him, twice, a spot on the All-Philadelphia Catholic League Team and he received recognition on the All-Rookie Team. Julian is remembered by coaches and peers as a skilled athlete, as well as a kind and respected captain.

Julian continued his soccer and academic careers as a Freshman at Rutgers University-Camden. Julian began his college career as a goalkeeper for the Scarlet Raptors' Soccer Team. Coach Oswald, who recruited Julian, described him as, “Athletic. Big frame. Fantastic shot stopper. Quality distribution. An absolute presence in the box. He has a great work ethic and desire to push himself to the limit.” He leaned into his sense of camaraderie, living with friends from the team.

Julian’s charisma and intellect could have helped him succeed in any profession. He was well spoken, confident, and had the ability to look at situations from many points of view. Julian was, however, adamant he wanted to pursue a career continuing to serve his community and chose to major in Nursing.

Julian’s legacy will forever be one of strength, passion, determination, humor, and leadership. He leaves behind family and friends, proud to know him and are forever changed by his presence in our lives. Julian’s light will continue to shine in our hearts as we remember him and imagine him smirking our way. 

May his Memory be Eternal!     Вічна пам'ять!

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135 Davidson Avenue
Somerset, NJ 08873

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