UOC of the USA is Blessed With a New Priest - Fr. Roman Marchyshak
UOC of the USA is Blessed With a New Priest - Fr. Roman Marchyshak

On Saturday, the 20th of July, 2024, Deacon Roman Marchyshak, a graduate of the St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary was ordained with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel into the Holy Priesthood of Christ’s Church.

About 20 clergy had traveled from surrounding states to join the numerous laity gathered in the St. Andrew Memorial Church to support and pray for the young man who was to become a servant in the Lord’s Vineyard on this day.  The faithful who had come to participate in this great event, filling the little church, were joined by hundreds of others who were joining virtually via the live broadcast, including friends and family from faraway states, and faraway lands.  Deacon Roman’s family and loved ones in Ukraine, who were not able to travel to the US to join the celebration, were nonetheless present, as they prayed from a distance, joining over their mobile devices.

Prior to the beginning of Divine Liturgy, Vladyka Daniel tonsured and set aside new subdeacon for the ministry at the Protection of the Birth-Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Allentown, PA - Alexis Glodfelter, a seminarian of the Church who is about to complete his theological studies at St. Tikhon Theological Seminary.

As His Eminence Archbishop Daniel served the Divine Liturgy, one could not help but be spiritually moved by the service.  After months of virtual isolation due to the pandemic, over a year of trepidation and uncertainty, today’s ordination was just another reminder of our hope in Christ, and the Lord’s constant love for His creation.  Being present, hearing the prayers, listening to the choir, was not only transformative for the young deacon, but, for all those present, lifting the darkness, recharging their spiritual batteries, and renewing their hope in the future.

After the reading of the Epistle, Deacon Pavlo Vysotskyi stood in the middle of the Nave and read the day’s Gospel Reading (Matthew 8:14-23) in Ukrainian.  The Gospel was apropos to the day’s celebration of an ordination.  He read how Christ has come to Peter’s house and found his disciple’s mother-in-law lying in bed suffering with a fever.  He took pity upon her, and laid His hands upon her, praying over her, and immediately her fever lifted, and she was made well.  Being healed the woman did not linger in bed, but immediately rose and served them.  In a few short moments Archbishop Daniel would lay his hands upon the kneeling deacon Roman, calling down the Holy Spirit upon him, and the deacon would arise a priest, and begin serving the Lord.

Deacon Adrian Mazur stepped up and read the Gospel in English, as people listed how after healing Peter’s mother-in-law, Christ proceeded to heal many who had come to Him for help, before finally departing.  Wishing to follow Him, certain of His disciples had asked to first return to their homes, one in particular to bury his recently deceased father.  However, Christ would not wait, but, directed the man to join him now, and leave others to bury him, reiterating that the time to follow Christ is now, and nothing is to detract us from the path.

Granting his blessing at the conclusion of the reading of the Gospel, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel stepped out on the Ambo to deliver a moving and heart-wrenching sermon.  

Turning to the young deacon, Archbishop Daniel stated that it is crucial that as a priest he not judge others harshly, but, act in humility, with patience, and in love sacrifice of himself to save all whom the Lord puts in his path.  Being ordained into the priesthood is an honor, but, it is not an elevation to be filled with pride, or to rule over others, but, to be humble, and as one of Christ’s Apostles, to serve the Lord, and all the people of the world.  

His Eminence gestured towards the altar, which gleamed brightly, the gold Cross and accoutrements sparkling in the light, and pointed at his own vestments, the golden threads of which gleamed and glowed, and stated that the fancy vestments, and gilded ornamentation are simply to remind us of the heavenly and of God, but, do not represent the man who is serving.  We serve from the heart, in humility.

Looking at Deacon Roman he reiterated that we are called to humbly serve the Lord, by serving others.  In these quietest unexpected moments, God works through us, to heal His creation – body and soul.

Turning to the people the hierarch stated that they are not here as spectators of an ordination, or to celebrate the event, but, they are here to participate.  We are all the Body of Christ, and as such we are all to participate in this ordination, we are all to call upon the Lord when the Deacon kneels before the Holy Altar, in humility awaiting the Grace of the Holy Spirit.   His Eminence asked that as he lays his hands upon the head of the deacon during the ordination, that everyone join in, cross themselves, and turn their minds to God, entreating Him to grace the deacon, to come down and touch the young man, accepting him to His priesthood, strengthening him, empowering him, and granting him wisdom and humility.

With these deep words, His Eminence concluded his sermon and the clergy who had joined the faithful in the nave, stood and returned to the altar as the Divine Liturgy continued.  The faithful bowed their heads transported to the heavenly realms by His Eminence’s words, by the prayers that were echoing off the icons around them, by their own thoughts, and by the angelic voices of DUMKA choir under the direction of Maestro Vasyl Hrechynsky.

At the conclusion of the Great Entrance, as the cherubic hymn faded away, Deacon Roman, holding the Aer over his head exited the Altar and stood in the narthex, praying.  After a few moments, Deacons Serhiy Khomitskyi and Maksym Zhuravchyk, joined him and taking Deacon Roman by the arm, led him forward.  Stopping midway, Deacon Pavlo Vysotskyi loudly proclaimed, “Command!” as the candidate to the priesthood, Deacon Roman, made a prostration.  Once again they moved up, stopping before the tetrapod and repeating the process a second time.  Standing back up, deacons led Deacon Roman up to the Royal Gates and presented him to Archbishop Daniel who was awaiting them, proclaiming, “Command! Holy Master, bless him who is before thee.” 

The archbishop, wearing his mitre, was seated in the bishop’s chair which had been placed in front of the altar, a little to the left side, so as not have the Archbishops’s back to the altar itself.  As the candidate kneeled before His Eminence, the archbishop blessed him and gave him counsel.  He removed the Aer from the deacon’s shoulders and placed it upon the Altar, as two priests came forward, and taking Deacon Roman by the arms led him around the Altar table, stopping to kiss each corner.  Reaching the Northwest corner, Deacon Roman kneeled before the sitting Archbishop and kissed his Epigonation/Palitza, which is the diamond shaped cloth that hangs from his right hip, and denotes him as a "soldier" of Christ, and symbolizes the Word of God, fighting the wiles of the enemy.

Once again two priests take Deacon Roman, and they lead him around the Altar table, repeating the process two more times, while the clergy sing:

Hear us, you martyred Saints who have fought the good fight and received crowns, entreat the Lord, to have mercy on our souls.

Glory to you, Christ our God, the Apostles' boast and pride, the Martyrs' fervent joy whose preaching is the consubstantial Trinity.

O Isaiah dance with joy, for the Virgin is indeed with child and brought forth a son, Emmanuel.  Who came both as God and man, Day-at-the-Dawn is his name, and by magnifying him, we call the Virgin blessed.

With three rotations completed, Deacon Roman kneeled at the Southwest corner of the Altar table leaning his head upon his hands which rested on the table. Vladyka Daniel covered his head with his Epitrachelion and his right hand, as he read the Prayers of Cheirotonia over him, while the clergy, the choir, those present at the Liturgy, and those attending over the live stream all prayed and sang “Lord, have mercy!” 

As prayers from around the world were raised, His Eminence prayed,

The divine grace, which always heals that which is infirm and completes that which is lacking, ordains the most devout Deacon Roman to the office of Priest.  Let us, therefore, pray for him, that the grace of the All-Holy Spirit may come upon him.

O God, great in might and inscrutable in wisdom, marvelous in counsel above the sons of men: You the same Lord, fill with the gift of Your Holy Spirit this man whom it has pleased You to advance to the degree of Priest; that he may become worthy to stand in innocence before Your altar, to proclaim the Gospel of Your kingdom, to minister the word of Your truth, to offer to You spiritual gifts and sacrifices; to renew Your people through the font of regeneration, that when he shall go to meet You, at the second coming of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, Your only-begotten Son, he may receive the reward of good stewardship in the order given to him, through the plenitude of Your goodness.

For blessed and glorified is Your all-holy and majestic name, of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever and to the ages of ages.

Archbishop Daniel then raised newly ordained priest Roman to his feet and presented him at the Royal Gates to the faithful, exclaiming “Axios”, which means “worthy”, as the people replied back “Axios!”.  The hierarch then removed the deacon’s stole and presenting each item of the priestly vestments to the faithful proclaiming “Axios” and vested the new priest, each time proclaiming “Axios!”.  As the church reverberated and the heavens echoed with “Axios”, the angels joining the people below in the heavenly proclamation of joy, Archbishop Daniel presented the new priest with a service book, and then brought him fully vested forward to present to the people and introduce them to newly ordained Father Roman.

With a bashful smile, and tears of humility and joy shining in his eyes, Fr. Roman stepped down from the ambo to rejoice with his biggest supporter, his wife Maria, and exchange a quick hug before returning to the Altar.  The new priest greeted the concelebrating priests with a holy kiss, then stood at the altar and concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with them, holding the Aer that was just recently upon his shoulders, over the Holy Gifts during the proclamation of the Creed. Thus the Divine Liturgy continued with the new priest shining in his new white vestments leading the way, supported by the senior clergy.

After the consecration of the Holy Gifts, Father Roman came and stood before the Altar as Archbishop Daniel handed him the consecrated Lamb saying:  “Receive this Divine Trust, and preserve it whole and unharmed until your last breath, because you will be held to an accounting therefore in the Second and Awesome Coming of our Great Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ, at which time He will demand It from you.”

After reciting the Lord’s Prayer, the clergy partook of the Holy Gifts, this being the first time that Father Roman communed as a priest.  As the Royal Gates reopened, His Eminence handed the Chalice to Fr. Roman who proceeded to offer Communion to the faithful, beginning with his own wife and daugher Melania, who had lined up to receive the Gifts which the Lord had loving prepared and was offering to them.  Archbishop Daniel stood closely behind, supporting the young priest in the process, as one can only imagine the emotions going through Fr. Roman’s head as he held the very Body and Blood of Christ, and communed the faithful.

As the choir (under the leadership of Vasyl Hrechynskyi) sang Father Roman came out to recite the prayer behind the ambo, as Archbishop Daniel gave the final blessing and dismissal. 

With these words newly ordained Father Roman took the opportunity to greet and thank the hierarch on this momentous day in his life.  He thanked him for not only for ordaining him, but, for their patience with him, their teachings, their love, and mostly for his prayers.

He then continued by thanking his parents for planting the seeds of faith and love in his heart from childhood.  He thanked his teachers, family and friends, who over the years have supported and prayed for him.

Turning to the seminarians, he expressed that they had studied together for years, and were like brothers to him, and he was grateful for their companionship, assistance, and support.

Turning to his wife, Fr. Roman stated how blessed he was by her, and that he could not imagine his life, nor his priesthood, without her by his side.  As he addressed her, their infant daughter, cued softly, joining in on the celebration.

With these final words, Father Roman presented the hierarch with beautiful roses, thanking him, and asking for the continued prayers on his behalf, his family’s, and the people he will be serving in his priesthood.

Accepting his gift, Archbishop Daniel took a moment to address the family who were watching the proceeding via live stream from Ukraine.  Looking into the camera he warmly greeted them and thanked them for raising such a wonderful you man, filling him with faith in the Lord, and preparing him to serve in the Lord’s Church.

Dobrodiyka Maria stepped up on the solea before the icon of the Mother of God, as His Eminence Archbishop Daniel laid his stole upon her head and prayed over her, blessing her ministry and the huge role she will play as the wife of a priest.  He prayed that the Lord bless them both as they work side by side to proclaim the Word of God, to minister to the faithful, and to fulfill their calling.

As Mnohaya Lita was song by the choir, by the faithful present in the church, and by those who had joined from around the world, the people came up to venerate the Cross presented to them by the newly ordained Priest Roman.   With smiles and laughter the faithful congratulated the young man, wishing him all the best in his ministry, and assuring him their prayers.

As the bells chimed, the faithful exited the church, squinting in the unexpected sunshine.  They paused upon the steps of the church, hugging and laughing, as the young children ran up and down chasing each other, and the ladybugs that were flittering about. 

While the serious portion of the day had concluded, now the jovial part began as everyone headed across the parking lot to the Sisterhood Hall, where the ladies had prepared a wonderful meal to celebrate this momentous event.   The lazy summer day was filled with joy, as the people spent the afternoon in good company, talking, laughing, sharing stories, and whiling away the day with their loved ones.

As the day concluded and the visitors departed the Metropolia Center grounds they all left a bit more enriched, renewed by the Sacrament of ordination they had just witnessed.  With final waves, the cars departed, but, the faithful promised to “meet” each night in prayer, as the hieararchs had asked them to, praying for each other, and praying for the newly ordained priest, Roman.

May the Lord bless Father Roman and his family with many happy and healthy years!  Axios!  Worthy!  Гідний!

UOC of the USA is Blessed With a New Priest - Fr. Roman Marchyshak

Photos by Subdeacon Mykola Stefanyk

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