Thanks to the efforts of the UOC of the USA, the Ukrainian Children’s Summer Camp “Barvinok” has opened!
Thanks to the efforts of the UOC of the USA, the Ukrainian Children’s Summer Camp “Barvinok” has opened!

Summertime for children is a time for relaxation, cooling off in the local pool, hiking through the woods in search of squirrels and rabbits, biking through the streets with your friends, resting on the cool grass beneath a shade tree and reading a good book.  The weeks are spent carefree and are filled with laughter and lemonade.  Or at least they should be.  For thousands of Ukrainian children, this Summer is anything but carefree.  Instead of the sound of music coming through open windows, they are assaulted with air-raid siren.  Instead of joyful fireworks, they are terrorized by flying missiles.  Instead of running barefoot through the sprinklers, they are running for their lives.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Antony, Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparch of the UOC of the USA, with the assistance of the faithful of the Church, set out to give these children their childhood back.

This week, 123 children, categorized as “Internally Displaced Persons”, were whisked away to Istanbul, Turkey for a short reprieve, giving their bodies time to heal, their spirits time to recuperate, and their souls time to rejoice.  With the sun glinting gleefully off the waves of the Bosphorus as they lapped against the shores of the ancient city, the air was filled with sounds – sounds of the waves, car horns, seagulls, vendors in the marketplace, bells ringing, and mostly the joyful sounds of children laughing.

Over one hundred children from the war-ravaged areas of Ukraine, namely from Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Irpen, Kyiv, Mariupol, Odesa, Kharkiv, and the Kherson region, were enjoying themselves at the “Periwinkle” Children’s Camp, where they could put their fears aside and simply be children. 

Surrounded by their new friends, the weeklong activities began with the raising of the Ukrainian flag, without fear of being shot at for doing so.  As the flag was hoisted by a young boy from the world-renown village of the Kherson region – Chornobaivka, named Tamerlan, along with the Consul General Roman Nedilsky, everyone began to sing the national anthem of Ukraine.  The youngest children timidly sang, while the older ones sang loudly, their voices breaking as they fought back tears. 

During the weeklong camp, the children will have the opportunity to brush up on their studies, learn pottery making, attend cooking classes, enjoy swimming and mostly they will be able to rest calmly, without the fear of bombs falling around them.  Their stress is slowly being released even as they enjoy creating art as seen in the colorful drawings they created on the first day of camp of peace signs, the Ukrainian flag, and freedom fighters.  Through their drawings it is evident that even though they have been taken out of the war zone, the war is still coursing through their innocent minds.

It is thanks to the many counselors and educators of @UkraynaStambuli that these children, participating in the third such camp, will begin to relax and reclaim their childhood.  A special thanks to the sponsorship of this retreat by the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, especially His Eminence Archbishop Daniel.  It is through this cooperation of individuals and their generosity that these 123 children can once again simply be children.

Завдяки УПЦ США, український дитячий табір «Барвінок» в Стамбулі розпочав свою роботу!

Третій український дитячий табір «Барвінок» в Стамбулі розпочав свою роботу!

Ми дуже раді, що всупереч всім труднощам, цього року вдалося реалізувати задум щодо відпочинку дітей.

123 дитини матимуть чудову можливість протягом тижня знайти нових друзів, отримати цікаві знання, покращити українську мову, навчитися гончарній майстерності, відвідати майстер-класи з кулінарії, покращити вміння у плаванні і, головне – ВІДПОЧИТИ!

Цього року через війну росії проти України в нашому таборі відпочивають діти вимушених переселенців з усієї України – зокрема з Вінниці, Дніпра, Донецька, Запоріжжя, Ірпеня, Києва, Маріуполя, Одеси, Харкова, Херсонщини.

Український прапор під час офіційного відкриття табору разом із генконсулом Романом Недільським піднімав хлопчик Тамерлан із відомого на весь світ своєю міццю села з Херсонщини - Чорнобаївки. Гадаємо, що цей момент у нашого земляка залишиться у спогадах надовго.

А як емоційно діти співали гімн!

А подивіться на ці красномовні малюнки, які створили діти – мир, сонце, прапор України, ЗСУ…

Ми дуже-дуже хочемо, аби діти гарно відпочили і запаслися позитивними емоціями, які запам’ятаються їм надовго!

Щиро дякуємо Українському Товариству Взаємодопомоги в Стамбулі - Ukrayna Dayanışma Derneği  і всім вихователям, які стали на цей тиждень курінними і опікувалися дітьми протягом тижня.

Окрема сердечна подяка від всіх нас за спонсорську підтримку Українській Православній Церкві США. Ви зробили щасливішими 123 дитини!

Barvinok Camp for the Refugee Children

Photos: courtesy of the Consulate General of Ukraine in Istanbul

(24 images)

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