The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Met with the Refugee Families Impacted by Russian Aggression and Conveyed Gifts of Love from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Met with the Refugee Families Impacted by Russian Aggression and Conveyed Gifts of Love from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

As we journey through the Holy Week, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA continues to diligently work towards easing the burdens of the people of Ukraine who are living through dark times, as the Russian aggressors intensify their attack on the innocent civilians.

This year’s Paschal celebration will be like no other.  The families impacted by the current aggression in Ukraine will not be able to calmly color eggs, bake paska bread, prepare a feast, etc.  However, even with uncertainly around them, in their hearts they still will celebrate the Risen Lord. 

To bring some joy to these families in these difficult days, the Church has provided families with a little Paschal cheer.  Through the generous donations of the faithful of the Church, funds have been transferred to Ukraine and delivered to people in need allowing them to purchase much needed food, hygiene supplies, medicine, etc.

On April 19th, ten families, refugees from Bucha, Vasykyiv, and Irpen, found their way to the St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv, Ukraine.  Here, gifts awaited the families from His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Prime Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and Diaspora, and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, Prime Hierarch of the Western Eparch of the UOC of the USA, on behalf of the Church, her clergy and faithful.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Epiphany, Primate of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine, met with these families, and expressed the support and prayers of Himself, the OCU, as well as those of the UOC of the USA.  His Beatitude spent time with the families, commiserating with them at the cruelty they and their loved ones had experienced at the hands of the Russians.  The details shared by these families of how the occupiers tortured, mistreated, and killed innocent civilians evoked an unspeakable sadness and sympathy for what they had endured.  There is no justification for this demonic evil that has attacked Ukraine, and God’s judgment will be upon them.

Metropolitan Epiphany assured them of his, Metropolitan Antony’s, Archbishop Daniel’s, and all the faithful of both Church’s prayers and support.  He reminded them to always keep the faith and through all our prayers the Lord will rebuff the attackers and return peace to the cities and towns of Ukraine.

Having been consoled and strengthened through prayer, the families were given a final gift before they departed.  Traditional Paschal Baskets had been prepared for the families in hopes of helping them celebrate the upcoming Feast Day of the Resurrection of the Lord.  In addition to the traditional food items, the baskets, through the generous offerings from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, also included Financial Aid for the families, as well as sweets, books, toys, and stuffed animals for the children.  While these items cannot erase the horrors these children and their families have lived through, they nonetheless give them a sense of security, as they are warmly embraced by the love of their Orthodox brethren from the United States.  

The children held their new soft friends close, as they buried their tear-stricken faces in the fur of the stuffed animals, taking solace and comfort from an inanimate object which was infused with love and friendship.

As the chants of Holy Week echoed through the cavernous interior of the monastery, the families, spiritually strengthened, with a renewed sense of hope and peace, returned to the outside world, gazing up to the heavens not only to ensure themselves that missiles were not flying, but in entreaty to the Lord to keep them and their nation of Ukraine safe from further aggression.

Предстоятель Православної Церкви України Зустрівся з Родинами, які Постраждали Внаслідок Російської Агресії та Передав Дари Любові Украї

Блаженнійший Митрополит Київський і всієї України Епіфаній 19 квітня 2022 року зустрівся з родинами з Бучі, Василькова та Ірпеня, які постраждали від нападу російських військ.

Десять родин з дітьми, зазнавши горя війни від неспровокованої атаки агресора, завітали цього дня до Свято-Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря, щоб поспілкуватися з Предстоятелем помісної Української Православної Церкви.

Люди ділилися власними історіями про загибель близьких, страшні злочини окупантів, від яких холоне в жилах кров і свій дивовижний порятунок.

Митрополит Епіфаній звернувся до гостей, закликаючи їх шукати розради і душевного заспокоєння в Бозі й молитві до Нього та завжди покладатися на Господа, а також на Збройні сили України, які дають достойну відсіч російським загарбникам.

«Те, що я почув викликає невимовний сум і співчуття. Цьому свідомому демонічному злу немає і не може бути ніякого виправдання. Суд Божий неодмінно чекає на агресора, який до того ж чинить страшні злочини – вбиває та катує мирних мешканців. Все це свідчення безпосередніх учасників подій, лише безмежно цинічні особи, для яких немає нічого святого, можуть називати ці злочини вигадками чи постановками», – зокрема сказав Блаженнійший владика.

На завершення зустрічі Його Блаженство передав кожній родині Великодні кошики та фінансову допомогу.

Проект допомоги постраждалим родинам втілено завдяки тісній співпраці Православної Церкви України та Української Православної Церкви США за безпосередньої участі митрополита Антонія (Щерби) та архієпископа Даниїла (Зелінського).


The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine Met with the Refugee Families Impacted by Russian Aggression and Conveyed Gifts of Love from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

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