UOC of the USA Delivers Assistance to the “Mercy House of Hospitality” for elderly in Eastern Ukraine
UOC of the USA Delivers Assistance to the “Mercy House of Hospitality” for elderly in Eastern Ukraine

УПЦ США надала допомогу БУДИНКУ МИЛОСЕРДЯ для людей літнього віку в Східній Україні

Every year, as Fall season rapidly approaches, the Consistory Office of Christian Charity, under the leadership of Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay, begins the process of close evaluation of various ministerial charitable projects for the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.

Various parishes of the Church, across the country, concentrate their attention on local soup kitchens, offering assistance to those in need around the period of Thanksgiving and Nativity of our Lord celebrations. However, there is one particular Christian community that for the past several years received assistance from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – Mercy House of Hospitality in Mariupol area of Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine.

Most recently, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Antony, Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, Archbishop Daniel travel to Ukraine in order to deliver the necessary assistance to over 130 elderly handicapped individuals, who were forced to become homeless due to the ongoing terrorist aggression in Eastern Ukraine. Upon the request of Archbishop Serhiy of Mariupol and Donetsk Eparchy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the UOC of the USA sponsored the purchase of several tons of coal for the winter season and adult diapers for the entire year.

In his public post on Facebook, Archbishop Daniel wrote:

“Do not be INDIFFERENT! Look in the eyes of people in these photos!

Не будьте БАЙДУЖИМИ! Гляньте в очі людей на oцих фотографіях!

I am truly grateful to the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (especially to the membership of St. Andrew Society of the UOC of the USA - Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay - president) for their generosity and kindness, as tons of coal for the winter season purchased and a year worth of adult diapers sponsored by the generosity of all of YOU! 

The faces of individuals you see in these images - are the residents of Mariupol Elderly House of Hospitality. They are all cared for by the donations and kind work of Archbishop Serhiy and the Donetsk Eparchy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Щиро вдячний духовенству та вірним Української Православної Церкви США (особливо Товариству Святого Андрія Первозванного УПЦ США - Протодиякон Ігор Махлай - голова) за їхню жертовність та доброту - саме завдяки цим чеснотам і практичним вчинкам ми зуміли придбати кілька тон вугілля для опалення старечого будинку та достатньо памперсів (для дорослих) на цілий рік. 

Оцими щирими обличчями літніх віком людей в Маріупольському старечому будинку милосердя опікується архієпископ Сергій та місцева громада Донецької Єпархії Православної Церкви України.

Отож, щиро молимось за владику Сергія та усіх мешканців Будинку Милосердя!

We offer sincere prayers for Archbishop Serhiy and the residents of the local Hospitality House of Mercy!

If you would like to make a donation, please mail it to:

Якщо хочите зробити пожертву, надсилайте на:

UOC of the USA

PO BOX 495

South Bound Brook, NJ 08873

Memo: Soup Kitchens in Ukraine 
Позначте: благодійні їдальні в Україні

Archbishop Daniel Delivers Humanitarian Aid

Photos: Courtesy of Archbishop Serhiy (Orthodox Church of Ukraine)

(19 images)

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