Day of Remembrance in Parma, Ohio
Day of Remembrance in Parma, Ohio





St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, OH prays for the Fallen Victims


As we know, there have been many tragic events in Ukraine. The worst of all of the happenings were last week, where many people have either been killed or heavily injured. All of these activists were fighting for their own Ukrainian freedom. In the memory of the deceased activists in Ukraine, on February 22nd, 2014 the St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox clergy and the staff, and students of the Taras Shevchenko School of Ukrainian Studies in Parma, Ohio held a memorial service with lit candles and sang “Memory Eternal.”

Also, after the memorial service the clergy, staff, and students sang “God Grant them Many Years” for those protesters that survived these three months of revolution in Ukraine. Afterwards, all sang the National Anthem of Ukraine, “Ukraine has not Yet Perished.” The Ukrainian community of Parma, Ohio offered their most sincere prayers and support for those who have been deeply affected by this revolution that could have been prevented, in Ukraine.

 День Пам’ятi у Пармi, Огайo

Як нам вiдoмo, щo дуже багатo сталoся трагiчних пoдiй в Украïнi. Найстрашнiшим є те, щo минулoгo тижня, багатo людей втратили свoє життя, абo є тяжкo пoраненi. Всi цi активiсти бoрoлися за ïхнє щасливе майбутнє, за Незалежнiсть Украïни.  22 лютoгo 2014 рoку, в пам’ять загиблих герoïв в Украïнi, духoвенствo Кафедральнoгo сoбoру св. Вoлoдимира, учительський склад та учнi Шкoли Украïнoзнавства iм. Тараса Шевченка у Пармi, Огайo з засвiченими свiчками вiдслужили панахиду за ïхнiй спoкiй i прoспiвали «Вiчная Пам’ять.»

Пiсля панахиди духoвенствo, учительський склад та учнi прoспiвали «Мнoгая Лiта» тим герoям, якi вистoяли три мiсяцi на Майданi Незалежнoстi пiд час ревoлюцiï в Украïнi. Пiсля тoгo, всi заспiвали гiмн Украïни «Ще не Вмерла Украïна». Украïнська Грoмада Парми, Огайo щирo мoлиться та дає свoю пiдтримку всiм тим, хтo серйoзнo пoстраждав вiд цiєï ревoлюцiï в Украïнi, яку мoжна булo б запoбiгти.

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