18th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence!


“Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom, a light has shown.” (Isaiah 9:1)

Annually, for the past seventeen years, we in America joined with our brethren in Ukraine in joyfully commemorating and witnessing to the realization of our prayers and aspirations - Ukraine’s liberation and independence. For those who rightfully focus on the spiritual reality of that which occurred eighteen years ago, the event of August 1991, was clearly a good gift from God. It was the answer to fervent prayers uttered and noble deeds accomplished over centuries; prayers and deeds often sealed in blood, shed out of love, for the nation and her people.

For this reason Ukraine’s anniversary, be it the eighteenth, which we observe this year, or any other, should be proclaimed, both by those who are called to govern and by those who are governed, with joy and thanksgiving. May they re-consecrate and recommit themselves to the Source of all wisdom, serve Him with utmost fidelity and be responsible stewards of the nation which has been bequeathed to them as a sacred trust.

On this auspicious and joyful occasion, we remind ourselves and those who now govern and those who will govern in the future, that Ukraine was not founded as a secular state, but, by the will of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, sanctified by an apostolic presence, that of Andrew the First-called and nurtured by the deeds of countless holy men whose lives and actions reflected the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

On this particular anniversary, many in Ukraine, find themselves enmeshed in the web and emotion of pre-election machinations. We are reminded of the lofty concepts of righteousness, justice and dedicated service to humanity, proclaimed in Holy Scripture, obligations which are incumbent upon all its citizenry and not just a select few. Centuries ago, the Divine Teacher from Nazareth reminded us of our responsibility to render to the One, Eternal God that which pertains to Him and to secular government that which pertains to it.

It is our most sincere prayer that this wise counsel given by the Only-begotten Son of God, our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ, will guide all the citizens of Ukraine - entrusted with spiritual and secular stewardship - so that this and future generations might be faithful custodians of the light given them, walk as children of that light and, as Saint Paul reminds us, clothe themselves in “heartfelt mercy, kindness, humility, meekness and patience.” (Col. 3:12)

Embracing this good gift of freedom with awe and thanksgiving with you our spiritual children here in America and with those in Ukraine, we beseech the Father of lights and every perfect gift, the Son of righteousness and the Spirit of truth to descend upon us, embrace us, guiding and perfecting our every deed.

+Constantine, Metropolitan
+Antony, Archbishop
+Daniel, Bishop.



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+ Êîíñòàíòèí, Ìèòðîïîëèò,
+ Àíòîí³é, Àðõèºïèñêîï,
+ Äàíè¿ë, ªïèñêîï.

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