Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA

Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA


Dearly beloved Clergy and Faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA:


As you most assuredly have heard by now, major flooding has once again occurred in Western Ukraine during the last days of July, 2008.  The damage estimates have already surpassed the two billion dollar mark and will probably increase.  According to the United States Embassy in Kyiv, 36 people have died as the result of the flooding and more than 40,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed completely.  People are suffering and in desperate need of assistance. 

We are hereby asking all our parishes, parish and Central Church organizations, along with the entire membership of our Church, to contribute to a special Ukraine Flood Victim Fund.  The monies collected will be funneled through the U. S. Embassy in Kyiv, which is working closely with Ukrainian relief organizations to assist Ukrainian citizens in peril.

Please find it in your heart to contribute to this fund by immediately sending your donations to:

Ukraine Flood Victim Fund
P. O. Box 495
South Bound Brook, NJ 08880

Needless to say, time is of essence.  The relief organizations in Ukraine have been doing an admirable job in reaching the victims of the flooding with that aid that has been provided by the U.S. Government and other governments and agencies, but as we all know, these funds are not without limits.  Other resources, such as donations from you, the faithful and clergy of our UOC of the USA, are an absolute necessity.

We hope to hear from you very soon.  Thank you and God bless you for your kindness and for reaching out to those in need.  This is our calling – from Christ Himself:  “What you do for the least of these…you do for Me.”

May the blessing of our Lord remain with all of you!

+Constantine, Metropolitan

+Antony, Archbishop

+Daniel, Bishop



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Ukraine Flood Victim Fund
P. O. Box 495
South Bound Brook, NJ 08880

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+Äàíè¿ë, ªïèñêîï

Click here for the Archpastoral Letter

Photos are courtesy of the official web site of the President of Ukraine.

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Mailing Address
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
P.O. Box 495
South Bound Brook, NJ 08880

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
Metropolia Center
135 Davidson Avenue
Somerset, NJ 08873

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