18th Regular Sobor Resolutions
18th Regular Sobor Resolutions
Delegates of the 18th Regular Sobor of the UOC of the USA
Delegates of the 18th Regular Sobor of the UOC of the USA
Delegates of the 18th Regular Sobor of the UOC of the USA
Bishop-Elect Daniel
Bishop-Elect Daniel
Bishop-Elect Daniel
Hieararchs of the Church
Hieararchs of the Church
Hieararchs of the Church
Sobor Procession
Sobor Procession
Sobor Procession

18th Regular Sobor - 10/26/2007

18th Regular Sobor Resolutions

The hierarchs clergy and faithful gathered into the 18th Regular Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, meeting at the Metropolia Center in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ
from 4-7 October 2007 and having witnessed to the visible grace of God, which notably marks the vitality of the UOC of the USA resolve:

1.        That we are ever mindful of the workings of Life-giving Spirit Who is “everywhere present and fills all things”.  Comprehending the words of His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine that according to Church Canon Law, the Metropolitan bears responsibility for securing the episcopacy of the Church, we receive, accept and embrace as the manifest will of the Holy Trinity, the nomination by His Beatitude, after consultation with his brother bishops, of the venerable and God-fearing servant of God, the devout priest – Archimandrite Daniel (Zelinskyy) – to the august and most responsible rank and authority of Bishop, successor to the Apostles and witness to the words and deeds of  Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are cognizant of Archimandrite Daniel’s devoted service to the UOC of the USA, enhanced by his many God-given talents, and we acclaim him by this our solemn proclamation of AXIOS – HE IS WORTHY!  We respectfully request that His All-Holiness Bartholomew, the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Great Church of Constantinople, be informed by His Beatitude of our decision so that Archimandrite – Bishop Elect Daniel, may be inscribed into the Diptychs of the Great Church of Christ by the Holy Patriarchal Synod, from whom Ukraine-Rus accepted and embraced the Holy Orthodox Faith and Order 1019 years ago.

2.        That we are honored to have the blessings of our Archpastors – His Beatitude Metropolitan Constan-tine, His Eminence Archbishop Antony and His Eminence Archbishop Vsevolod – and profoundly thank them for their continued spiritual and temporal guidance, their labor of love for the good estate of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and for their prayers for the sanctification and salvation of her spiritual children.  This Sobor honors our hierarchs on the occasion of specific anniversaries:  Metropolitan Constantine celebrating the 40th anniversary of priestly ordination and the 35th anniversary of his episcopal consecration; Archbishop Antony celebrating the 35th anniversary of his priestly ordination and 22nd anniversary of his episcopal consecration; and Archbishop Vsevolod celebrating the 21st anniversary of his priestly ordination and the 20th anniversary of his episcopal consecration.  May our loving Lord give them many more years of good health, peace and strength in their continued service in His vineyard.

3.        That we comprehend the words of the Apostle James: “…the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up” (James 5:15) and we unite in fervent prayer, asking the Healer of souls and bodies, Christ our true God to strengthen His faithful servant, His Eminence Archbishop Vsevolod as he faces the challenges brought on by physical illness.  We are thankful to Almighty God for His wonderful goodness in turning our heavy hearts into joy at being informed by his brother Bishops about the beginning of restoration of health for Archbishop Vsevolod – that God did not forsake him, but did visit him with comfort from above; that He supported him in patience and submission to His will.  May His Eminence soon return to his place before the Holy Altar and Throne of God, leading the faithful in a great offering of thanksgiving for God’s Goodness.

4.       That we are sincerely grateful to our Sister Church, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, and to her Hierarchs, His Eminence Metropolitan John and His Eminence Archbishop Yurij for their gracious and active participation in our Holy Sobor and for the fraternal love they have demonstrated for our Hierarchs and for our Holy Church. We are equally grateful for the presence and active participation of His Grace Bishop Andrij of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy of Great Britain and Western Europe and welcome him with love and affection. 

5.        That we accept, with the love in which it is sent, the paternal greetings and benediction of His All-Holiness Bartholomew, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, conveyed by his Exarch in the USA, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios during our Sobor Grand Banquet.  Ever mindful of His All Holiness’ concern for the spiritual integrity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine during these very complicated and trying times, we assure his All Holiness of prayerful support as he navigates through the troubled waters of intrigue and machination, which delay the realization of a united local [pomisna] Ukrainian Orthodox Church, independent of any and all foreign intrusion and sovereign in its internal administration.

6.       That we are greatly honored by the presence and inspired by the words of Ukrainian Ambassador to the USA, His Excellency Mr. Oleh Shamshur and the Ukrainian Consul General in New York, Mr. Mykola Kyrychenko, who along with members of the Ukrainian Mission at the United Nations, joined us in recognizing the labors of our Hierarchs at our Grand Banquet and again in commemorating the victims of the Genocidal Famine of 1932-33.

7.        That we respectfully request the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to continue the delegation of trusted advisors to intensify a constructive and substantive dialogue with the ecclesiastical jurisdictions in Ukraine, leading to the establishment of one, united, local (pomisna) Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

8.       That we denounce the 26 June 2007 decision of the Supreme Court of Turkey that affirmed state sponsored religious persecution that if left unchallenged, may represent the juridical justification for the government of Turkey to terminate the existence on Turkish soil of the Spiritual Center of world Orthodoxy – the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.  The decision criminalizes the term ecumenical, confines the ministry of the Patriarchate to the local Greek Orthodox faithful of Turkey, requires that the members of the synod who elect the Ecumenical Patriarch be Turkish citizens employed in Turkey and that the Ecumenical Patriarch himself be a Turkish citizen.  We believe that the court used the judicial opportunity to legitimize the prosecutorial policies of the government of Turkey.  We call on the government of Turkey to abandon policies of religious persecution and oppression and to join democratic nations who respect human rights and ensure the dignity of humankind.  We call upon the government of the United States of America, the United Nations and the world community to denounce the religious persecution of the government of Turkey and to intercede with all available means to protect the rights of the Ecumenical Patriarchate – the Great Church of Christ.

9.       That in this the 16th year of Ukraine’s independence and liberation from that bondage, which marked centuries of Czarist or Soviet oppression, we renew our gratitude to Almighty God for the gift of freedom and assure the president of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko and other government leaders of our prayerful support.  We call the public servants of Ukraine to labor with love and devotion in securing justice, human rights and equality for all the citizens of Ukraine.

10.      That we mourn the loss of the ten million Ukrainians who perished during the Artificial Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) in Ukraine in 1921-1933.  We demand that the government of the United States of America, the United Nations and the world community officially recognize and proclaim the Artificial Famine as an Act of Genocide.  We urge the government in Ukraine to erect a significantly prominent monument in Kyiv that will appropriately commemorate the ten million victims of the Famine and will also serve as a center to conduct educational programs, which will convey the monumental horror, suffering and intense impact of this genocide on the spiritual, cultural and national life of the Ukrainian people, their history, their aspirations and the unrealized future of those who would have been their descendents.  At the same time, we condemn the horror of other genocides, including those taking place before our own eyes in the nations of Africa and on other continents.  The world cannot continue to stand by and do nothing as it did in Ukraine. 

11.       That we congratulate His Eminence Archbishop Antony at being awarded the Order of Merit for Distinguished Service by the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, in recognition of his contribution to the Ukrainian nation in making her culture, history, and good name known around the world.  This award, richly deserved, honors not only the recipient, but also his brothers in the Episcopacy and the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.

12.      That having heard the presentations of His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine and Archbishop Antony in which they identify manifestations of the Light of Christ in our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA:

          · We note with gratitude the guidance being provided our youth by our Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and the staff All Saints Camp during various Church encampments: Church School Camp, Teenage Conference and the Mommy/Daddy and Me Camp. We call upon our clergy and faithful to lend their prayerful and material support to these encampments and encourage their children to participate in them, thereby cooperating in the spiritual and cultural formation of those who will shortly find themselves among the adult members of our Holy Church.    

          · We note with joy and thanksgiving, as announced by His Beatitude, the scheduled consecration of the All Saints Camp Chapel on 22 June 2008 – the Sunday of All Saints, and thank profusely those anonymous donors who have contributed over $500,000 to the construction of the Chapel and to those who continue to donate to complete interior iconography and exterior embellishment of the edifice.  We encourage all the clergy and laity to contribute generously to the Chapel project and to participate in the scheduled Office of Consecration.

          · We acknowledge with profound gratitude the service of love performed by the participants in our Church’s mission trips, under the leadership of dedicated clergy and laity, in service of love to our Church’s adopted orphanages in Ukraine and all their beautiful inhabitants.  We enthusiastically support this particular and blessed ministry and encourage responsible youth and adults to participate in future mission trips.  We call upon the clergy and faithful to encourage new mission candidates from among our parishes and to support this endeavor by prayer and generous donations.

          · We rejoice in the 6 August 2007 ground-breaking for the construction of our History and Education Complex, which we have witnessed during our Sobor.  We acknowledge with gratitude the leadership and patience of His Eminence Archbishop Antony in matters pertaining to the constructing of the complex and the labors of Treasurer and Property Manager, Mr. Emil Skocypec, in bringing this dream and desire of many to fruition. Given that the construction of this additional edifice, approved by previous Sobors, will require constant vigilance, we reiterate our trust in the above-mentioned individuals and those who labor with them in this project and urge the clergy, laity and organizations of our Church and the Ukrainian community to assist in the completion of the work by their generous contributions.

          · We note with gratitude to Almighty God the attainment of full-fledged parish status by St. Andrew Parish, Atlanta, GA, Rev. Fr. Bohdan Maruszczak, Pastor and St. Nicholas Parish, Charlottesville, VA, V. Rev. Robert Holet, Pastor; the reestablishment of St. Volodymyr Mission in Kerhonkson, NY, Rev. Fr. Yurij Bazylevsky, Pastor; and the establishment of a new mission in Los Cruces, New Mexico, Rev. Fr. Gabriel Rochelle, Pastor.  The above holy parishes and missions provide evangelical and Eucharist nourishment to flocks comprised of Orthodox Christians of Ukrainian heritage and converts to Holy Orthodoxy, representing a broad  spectrum of American life. We pray for the continued success of these parish families, the eventual attainment of full-fledged parish status for the missions and the establishment, under the guidance of the Holy Sprit, of additional mission parishes and the renewal of inactive parishes.

          · Reiterating the words of our father among the Saints, John Chrysostom, “Glory to God for all things!” we greet with enthusiasm and gratitude the inauguration of the 2007-08 academic year at St. Sophia (Holy Wisdom) Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary. Having listened to our pleas, the Lord of the Harvest has blessed our Holy Church’s vocation program with 11 students, five from Ukraine in full-time residence and six in the graduate theology program.  We pray for the success of their education and the achieve-ment of their vocation.  We recognize with much gratitude our Hierarchs, V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha, Provost of the Seminary, V. Rev. Stephen Hutnick, Vocations Director, and Archimandrite Daniel, Resident Dean of Student Life for their devoted and extended efforts in developing our Seminary program, which is vital for our future.

13.      That we commend those who completed the renovation of St. Sophia Seminary along with Consistory staff members: V. Rev. Todor Mazur and the members of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City, who completely rebuilt the St. Sophia Seminary Three Hierarchs Chapel into a beautiful and inspiring place of worship; and Father Bohdan Kalynyuk and those who assisted him in obtaining and transporting the chapel iconostas and other holy icons from a private donor’s home to the seminary.

14.      That we comprehend our responsibility as caretakers of God’s creation and recognize the environmental crises of our age and that we bear enormous responsibility for protecting and preserving the beauty of the natural world from man-made pollution and waste.  We urge our faithful to call upon the government to actively work in preserving our natural gifts from the Lord so that future generations may benefit from them as we have.

15.      That we are cognizant that the Church begins in and with the family and we call upon the Consistory Office of Religious Education to take the steps necessary to implement within all parishes under the direction of the pastors, programs of Catechism and Bible Studies for children and adults with particular emphasis on all of the Holy Mysteries.

16.      That we lament the intrusion of other Orthodox jurisdictions, both from Ukraine and in the USA, into the life and order of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.  We demand that the order of Holy Orthodox Canon Law be observed by all hierarchs and clergy of other jurisdictions with regard to our clergy, faithful, parishes and administrative bodies.  We find it lamentable that two ecclesiastical bodies comprised of learned men, which both seek world-wide Orthodox recognition, would issue inappropriate and false claims of administrative authority over our Church’s clergy and institutions.

17.      That we prayerfully remember the 60th anniversary of the 1947 “Aksija Wisla”, the forced deportation and resettlement of tens of thousands of ethnic Ukrainians from territories, which were located within the borders of post-WW II Poland, from villages and lands, which for centuries had been inhabited by Ukrainian people. We offer fervent prayers for the repose of those countless souls who perished in local village acts of violence, in the Jaworzhno concentration camp and during inhumane conditions of transportation. May their memory be eternal and may we never forget the suffering of those who survived this ordeal. 

18.      That we thank God for his abundant blessings upon our Seminary and rejoice with His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine, Archbishop Antony, the clergy and the faithful who participated in the consecration of the Three Hierarchs Chapel 15 September 2007 and all parishes and individuals, including Tom O’Prandy, Shirley Skocypec and Helen Greenleaf, who volunteered their time and energy to ensure a successful celebration of the event.

19.      That we commend Dr. George Krywolap, Director of the Consistory Office of the Archive and Historical Information, Dr. Anatol Lysyj, Pani Slava Pavlovska, Pani Larissa Bulyha and Mr. Mykola Francuszenko for their magnum opus – the three-volume collected writings of Archbishop Mstyslav, Metropolitan Mstyslav and Patriarch Mstyslav I, of Kyiv and all Rus-Ukraine. This major work honors not only the memory of our illustrious and well-beloved Hierarch, but also the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, which he served with love and dedication, and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, for which he valiantly sought unity.

20.      That we commend the Ukrainian Orthodox League for its efforts in enhancing the spiritual life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA via retreats and programs designed to awaken and intensify our relationship to our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ through a frequent and active participation in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church.  We encourage all parishes to form local UOL chapters.

21.      That we commend the on-going activities of the United Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods during the past three years and acknowledge with gratitude their philanthropic work, which manifests their compassion for Christ’s brethren in need. Their love for the treasures of Ukrainian Orthodox religious life and cultural history has insured that future generations will also learn and appreciate our brilliant and noble heritage. We applaud the Sisterhood’s announcement of a $300,000 contribution for the History and Education Complex, which serves as an example to be imitated by all of us.

22.      That we commend the devout members of the Saint Andrew Society, who by their philanthropic work among the needy of contemporary Ukraine, have shown themselves to be faithful stewards of Christ, by, caring as He calls us to do, “for the least of my brethren.”  We urge all the faithful of our Church to support the efforts of this, one of our Church’s central organizations.

23.      That we express our sincere gratitude to Pokrova – St. Mary Protectress Sisterhood of St. Andrew Memorial Church, for its continued support of all aspects of life at our Metropolia Center – most especially the announcement during this Sobor of a $100,000 contribution to the History and Education Complex currently under construction.  We also thank the Sisterhood for the contribution of another $60,000 toward much needed renovations on the Memorial Church in 2006-07 and the many other generous and voluntary contributions made over the existence of our Center.

24.      That we extend our hear-felt sympathies to the persons, families, and communities who have suffered loss and distress from fires, floods, and other disasters in the USA and around the world and pray that our Lord will provide them with the strength to overcome all that confronts them.   Further, we also fully comprehend the man-made suffering of those who still endure religious and political oppression and violence and pray for their swift liberation.

25.      That we applaud the bravery and patriotism of our Armed Forces and intelligence community and pray for them, their families and our country, and for their safe return home.  Because our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ teaches:  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God”, it is our prayer that the Light of Christ will reveal to all governments the way to end military conflict and bring a lasting peace.

26.      That we welcome the initiative taken by the Simon Petlura Foundation to renovate the Simon Petlura Library and Archives in Paris, France, and to install a website to enable the entire world to gain access to the works and activities of Otaman Petlura who led the government of Ukraine during the historical period of 1918-21 – Ukraine’s short-lived first declaration of independence.  We encourage the faithful of the UOC of USA and Diaspora to morally and materially assist in this renovation.

27.      That we acknowledge with profound gratitude the service rendered by Ukrainian-American veterans in defending this God-saved land and the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which we all cherish.  We welcome the plans to erect a suitable monument on the grounds of St. Andrew Memorial Church at our Metropolia Center.

28.      That our participation in this 18th Regular Sobor of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church has had a profound effect upon our commitment to our Church and instilled within us the desire to return to our parishes with the goal of witnessing to Christ by our every word and deed.  We express our sincere gratitude to all the Pre-Sobor Commission and the Consistory Staff for their thorough organization and preparations for the liturgical services, Sobor plenary sessions, break-out committee meetings, workshops, social events and most especially the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Famine of 1932-33.  We urge every one of our clergy and our parishes to begin making plans to participate in the 19th Regular Sobor in 2010.  We need all our faithful to be present and share in this important gathering.

29.      That we acknowledge with joy 100th anniversary of Oklahoma’s statehood – one century.  St. Mary Dormition Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in the town of Jones, OK has been an active parish and a beacon of Holy Orthodoxy – the Light of Christ – in the state of Oklahoma since 1918 – 89 of that century.  We offer prayers that our brothers and sisters who compose this parish family will celebrate with much joy and hope for many more years of faithfulness to our Lord.



Ðåçîëþöi¿ 18 çâè÷àéíîãî Ñîáîðó

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1.        Ìè, ñâ³äîì³ ä³ÿííÿ æèòòºäàâ÷îãî Äóõà, “…ùî âñþäè º ³ âñå íàïîâíÿº”, ðîçóì³þ÷è ñëîâà Éîãî Áëàæåíñòâà Ìèòðîïîëèòà Êîíñòàíòèíà, ùî çã³äíî ç Êàíîíàìè Öåðêâè â³í, ÿê Ìèòðîïîëèò, â³äïîâ³äຠçà ïîïîâíåííÿ ºïèñêîïàòó,  îòðèìóºìî, ïðèéìàºìî, é îäíîãîëîñíî ñïðèéìàºìî, ÿê ïðîÿâ âîë³ Ñâÿòî¿ Òðîéö³ éîãî ðåêîìåíäàö³þ, ï³ñëÿ íàðàä ç Ñîáðàòàìè-ºïèñêîïàìè íà êàíäèäàòóðó ïðåïîäîáíîãî ³ áîãîáîÿçíîãî ñëóãè Áîæîãî, ïîáîæíîãî ³ºðåÿ Àðõèìàíäðèòà Äàíè¿ëà (â ìèð³ Âîëîäèìèðà Çåë³íñüêîãî), íà ñâ³òëå ³ äóæå â³äïîâ³äàëüíå ñòàíîâèùå ºïèñêîïà, ïîñë³äîâíèêà Àïîñòîë³â - ñâ³äê³â ñë³â ³ ä³ë Ãîñïîäà ³ Ñïàñà Íàøîãî ²ñóñà Õðèñòà.  Ìè, ñâ³äîì³ â³ääàíî¿ ïðàö³ Àðõèìàíäðèòà Äàíè¿ëà äëÿ äîáðà ÓÏÖåðêâè â ÑØÀ, äëÿ ÿêî¿ â³í âèêîðèñòîâóº ñâî¿ ÷èñëåíí³ Áîãîì äàí³ òàëàíòè, óðî÷èñòî ïðîãîëîøóºìî éîìó “AKCIOC”– ”Â²Í ª òÄÍÈÉ” òà øàíîáëèâî ïðîñèìî Éîãî Áëàæåíñòâî äîâå-ñòè íàøå ð³øåííÿ äî â³äîìà Âñåëåíñüêîãî  Êîíñòàíòèíîïîëüñüêîãî Ïàòð³ÿðõàòó, ùîá ³ì’ÿ îáðàíîãî êàíäè-äàòà íà ºïèñêîïà Äàíè¿ëà áóëî âïèñàíå â Äèïòèõè âèùåçãàäàíî¿ Âåëèêî¿ Öåðêâè Õðèñòîâî¿, â³ä ÿêî¿ Ðóñü-Óêðà¿íà 1019 ðîê³â òîìó ïðèéíÿëà Ñâÿòó Ïðàâîñëàâíó ³ðó ³ óñòàâ.

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