Music CDs
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Music CDs
Songs from the Ukrainian Soul
Ukrainian Vocal Trio “Ridna Dusha”
Roma Konecky-Second Soprano
Natalia Basladynsky-Mahlay-First Soprano
Michelle Schidowka-Alto

 Total Run Time: 47:57


1. Oh, I am pretty
2. My sweetheart plowed the field
3.The green rye
4. Beyond the green grove
5. In the forest on a hill
6. I was my mother’s only daughter
7. In the forest / The fog along the ravine
8. I am surrounded by an ocean of flax
9. A sorrowful evening
10. I was born on Wednesday
11. Oh, my hops
12. Oh, my grove
13. The wife hit her husband
14. The gray geese
15. By the mill
16. Descend, bright moon
17. In the cherry orchard
18. The Star-Spangled Banner

Taras Yanytsky Bandura Contemporary
1. Cesar Franck, Prelude et fugue, op. 18 
2. Robert Maxwell, Reflux 
3. V. Pavlikovsky, Burlesque 
4. J.S. Bach, Fantaisie sur deux themes 
5. R. Hrynkiv, Elegie 
6. Astor Piazzola, Il y a 20 ans 
7. L. Kohanska, Une petite pagoda, op. 11
8. H. Sasko, Legende folklorique 
9. H. Sasko, La premeiere perce-neige 
10. V. Pavlikovsky, Concert-capriccio pour bandoura et orchestre

Golden Echoes of Kyiv
Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus

Golden Echoes of Kyiv - This recording of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus features the Divine Liturgy in a traditional a capella setting. The liturgy evolves as a sonic metamorphosis from traditional chant, through polyphony, then finally discovering 300 years of Ukrainian sacred music. This recording features composers such as Dyletskiy, Berezovsky, Koshyts, Bortniansky, Stetsenko, Leontovych, Verbytsky, Kytasty, Lysenko, and Hnatyshyn.


1. Great Litany  17. Father, Son & Holy Spirit 
2. First Antiphon  18. The Symbol of Faith 
3. Small Litany 19. Eucharistic Prayer
4. Glory...Only Begotten Son  20. We Praise You
5. Small Litany  21. Proper to the Mother of God
6. Third Antiphon 22. The Lord's Prayer 
7. Come, Let Us Worship 23. One is Holy 
8. Tropar (Tone 2, Halycian Chant) 24. Praise the Lord 
9. Thrice Holy Hymn 25. We Have Seen the True Light 
10. Is Polla Eti Despota 26. May Our Mouths Be Fileld with Praise 
11. Prokimenon, Tone 2  27. Litany of Thanksgiving 
12. Epistle Reading 28. Blessed be the Name of the Lord 
13. Alleluia 29. Glory to the Father
14. Litany of the Fervent Supplicaiton 30. Amen 
15. Cherubic Hymn 31. Prayer for Ukraine 
16. Litany of the Supplication   


A Bandura Christmas
Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus

Oleh Mahlay – Conductor

58:34, DDD, Feb/Mar 1999.

Recorded in historic St. Albertus Church, Detroit, MI.

Featuring well known Ukrainian and English Carols.


  1. Today We Sing -- Dnes' Poyushche
  2. A New Joy Has Arisen -- Nova Radist' Stala
  3. Adeste Fideles -- " O Come All Ye Faithful"
  4. The Landlord's Carol -- A U Tsoho Hazyayna
  5. Christmas Motives -- Rizdvyani Motyvy
  6. On the River Jordan -- Oy Na Jordani
  7. The News in Bethlehem -- Vo Vefleyemi Novyna
  8. I Wonder as I Wander -- Ya Divlusya Ta Mandruyu
  9. The Saints -- Svyati Sidily
  10. Throughout the World -- Po Vsiomu Sviti
  11. O, Holy Night -- O, Svyataya Nich
  12. Shchedryk -- What has been known to the world as Carol of the Bells is actually an old Ukrainian seasonal winter song (shchedrivka).
  13. Silent Night -- Tyha Nich. Stille Nacht, sung in English, German, and Ukrainian
  14. Oh, Koliada! -- The Ukrainian word for carol is koliada
  15. God Eternal -- Boh Predvichnyj

Glory to God in the Highest
St. Andrew Memorial Church Choir - UOC of USA


Christmas Music from the Ukrainian Orthodox Tradition
St. Andrew Memorial Church Choir; Taras Pavlovsky, Director 
Recorded February 2000
Total Time: 60:33
Liturgical Selections
1. Stichera: Glory to God in the Higest (Tone 6)
2. God with Us
3. Troparion: Thy Nativity, O Christ Our God 
4. Kontakion: The Virgin Today Gives Birth (D. Bortniansky) 
5. Magnification: We Magnify Thee, O Christ (Traditional) 
6. Nativity Vigil Troparion (S. Liudkevych) 
7.-15. Kanon of the Nativity (D. Allemanov) 
16. Stichera after the Lity (Tone 1)
17.-20. Concerto Nr. 6: Glory to God in the Highest (D. Bortniansky)
21. God Eternal - Boh predvichnyi 
22. A Church is Being Built in Kutsivka - U Kutsivtsi tskervu buduiut'
23. O Wondrous Birth - Oi dyvneie narodzhennia 
24. Wondrous News - Dyvnaia novena  
25. The Saints Were Gathered - Sviati sydily 
26. Across the Whole World - Po vs’omu svitu 
27. In This Master’s House - A u ts’oho khaziaina 
28. A New Joy Has Arisen - Nova radist’ stala 
29. On the River Jordan - Na Iordans’kii richest 
30. God is Watching - O vydyt’ Boh 
31. Schedryk (Carol of the Bells)

Strategic Plan

Black or White Small Prayer Book
Black or White Small Prayer Book
Prayer Book
Prayer Book
Julian Calendar 2025
Julian Calendar 2025
Revised Julian Calendar 2025
Revised Julian Calendar 2025


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Mailing Address
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
P.O. Box 495
South Bound Brook, NJ 08880

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
Metropolia Center
135 Davidson Avenue
Somerset, NJ 08873

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